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5 Things You Should Do While Waiting In Line To Vote

Hopefully you won’t have to wait too long to vote, but here are some ideas on how to pass the time (after you’ve scrolled through all of your apps).

Hopefully you won’t have to wait too long to vote, but here are some ideas on how to pass the time (after you’ve scrolled through all of your apps).

Precincts are typically busier for presidential elections, and people reported long lines for early voting. You’ll probably be waiting in line to vote. Hopefully, you won’t have to wait too long, but here are some ideas on how to pass the time after you’ve scrolled through all of your social media apps. Make sure your phone is fully charged and grab your headphones!

5 Things To Do While Waiting To Vote

Research Your Ballot:

Although voting for president is important, there are other things on your ballot. The wording for proposals is confusing, especially if you’re reading it for the first time. If you’re not sure where to find all your local and state candidates, check out Vote USA to see what’s on your ballot.

Talk To A Friend:

If you have the same voting precinct as friend, plan on voting together. You can keep each other company while waiting in line. Play “I Spy” or “Twenty Questions.” Or take the opportunity to catch up on the latest gossip or what happened on your favorite shows.



Bring a book or your Kindle. If you’re not into reading books, use Pocket to keep track of articles you want to read later. Or catch up on fanfic updates if you’re already decided who to vote for.


Listen to Podcasts:

Listen to your favorite podcast! I gravitate more towards ESPN podcasts and am usually a few episodes behind on Jalen and Jacoby. Browse NPR podcasts if you need some ideas on what to listen to while you’re waiting for your ballot, or check out our list of favorites.

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Listen to Music:

Plug in your headphones and pull up your favorite album, Spotify playlist or Pandora station. If you’re looking for new music, here are some suggestions. Also worth a listen: Questlove Supreme and Comedy on Pandora.


Wear comfortable shoes and bring a snack! Expect to spend a fair amount of time in line. Keep yourself occupied and be pleasantly surprised if your line moves quickly.

Let’s do this thing, America!

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