Disneyland California is 60 years old this year and, to celebrate the happiest place on Earth, this week’s alternate arty theme is Cosplay! Cosplay, or costuming or whatever you want to call it, has really taken the world by storm recently, and we all want to be a Disney Prince or Pirate or Princess, right? Let’s take a look at some of the magical characters you guys like to become…
Hollywood Harley Quinn over on Instagram brings one of my favourite characters to life in the shape of Pocahontas (with her ever hungry pal, Meeko). I particularly love the makeup, and the picture of her raccoon sidekick getting a snack is straight out of the movie!
DarkshinesCosplay brings us an alternate look at that villain we all love to hate… Hans! The attention to detail on the outfit is perfect and I love the poses. Love may be an open door, but if you see Hans coming… close it!
Lady Red Cosplay is the Fairy Godmother from the live action Cinderella. The dress is beautiful and she has absolutely perfected the pose! Also, check out the gorgeous Disney group at MCM Expo, in London!
Georgia Day Cosplay brings us these adorable Ariel selfies. What’s better than one princess going all instagram? Four princesses going all instagram. Yes. And that dress is beautiful, huh?
Jadeifer’s Cosplay and Shawn Levy’s Cosplay bring two of my favourite character pairings to life, in the shape of Pinocchio and Gepetto and Fix it Felix and Vanellope. Their costumes are always 100% accurate and they look like they’ve stepped straight out of the movies, even down to the amount of props they carry – even Jiminy Cricket perched on Pinoccho’s shoulder.
Your eyes don’t deceive you – that is a costumer. In the shape of Cardiff Jack Sparrow. One of the best pirate captains out there, who’s always in character and always brilliant… anyone for rum?
As always, I’m getting in on the action too! Who wants to grow up?
Don’t forget to think happy thoughts, and check out all the talented folk involved! Do you have a Disney star you’d like to hang out with?