BBC Begs Whovians Not To Spoil Season Finale Ending Due To Leak!



Kirsty Wallace

Staff Writer

Fans of Doctor Who are waiting with baited breath for the Season 7 finale “In The Name of the Doctor” which is due to air on both sides of the Atlantic on Saturday evening with the potential of the BIGGEST riddle of the Whoverse being solved, just what is the name of our beloved Doctor.

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So imagine the shock when the Doctor Who team posted the news yesterday that due to a shipping error, a number of Season 7 Part 2 DVD box sets have been sent to customers and therefore they have the FULL version of Saturday’s episode.  According to news reports, the press screening had the final 4 minutes missing which means something EPIC is due to happen (remember Rose’s return in “Partners in Crime”).

The Who team are asking the lucky fans who have received the box set NOT to spoil the ending for the millions of other Whovians (me included).  According the Doctor Who Facebook page if the ending is NOT spoiled by Saturday everyone will be rewarded with a special clip as a prize.  I am hoping and praying that everyone sticks to the non-spoiler request because reports suggest the clip will be from the upcoming 50th anniversary episode and will show us the return of the brown suit and the Converse. So please, box set holding Whovians keep the ending to yourselves, I for one am dying for the first real glimpse of the return of 10.

Doctor Who “In the Name of the Father” showing on BBC1/BBC1 HD Saturday 18th May 7pm, BBC America 8pm/7pm Central.

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