
Beauty In Action – One Good Thing Leads To Another

It’s funny how doing one good thing leads to another and starts a spiral of positivity and beauty. The same can be said for the opposite, where one negative thought or experience can lead down a rabbit hole of spiraling negativity.

Last week on August 15th, myself and many others were touched by the personal stories some women shared on social media regarding how they will be impacted by CVS’ decision to deny them access to birth control. Depriving tens of thousands of women of the right to make decisions about their own bodies, families, and futures? No, sir…literally, as this decision was made by a male-dominated Board of Directors. To raise awareness and get the word out, people (myself included) tweeted using the hashtag #CVSDeniesCare and got it trending all the way up to #3! This was a powerful day. A beautiful one. It’s why I spend time and energy on social media platforms. I often hear the criticism on Twitter that I should stop talking and “complaining” and actually do something. This was action. On social media. It was meaningful and moving for me to see that when people unite, we can impact change and make things happen. We can make a difference.

Following the events of the 15th, I had a brighter outlook walking around NYC. I noticed things I normally wouldn’t. I had more patience with people. I walked (a little) slower. I saw the beauty in the people around me and even in nature, which is somewhat rare for me. I was more inclined to stop and help with something instead of being focused on my own agenda.

With so many disgusting and discouraging things going on in the world around us, I find comfort and encouragement in action. Doing something, no matter how little it may seem, helps me feel better, more positive. It gives me hope to keep going, keep fighting, on tough days.

Whatever it is that’s important to you, I encourage you to get involved. And do it now, don’t wait, for who knows what tomorrow will bring. No better day than today, I always say (because I’m a dork who loves to rhyme). Find community and support in others who also care and are passionate. You will inspire each other and lift each other up. When you do beautiful things, you see beautiful things. It’s kind of along the same lines as paying it forward or giving someone a compliment – it feels good for all parties involved.

Everyone seemed a little happier to me on August 16th. I heard a woman offer her seat on the train to another woman with a baby and I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve seen this happen in my six years of living in NYC! Coincidence or not? You be the judge. Conduct your own life experiment. I’d love to hear the results. And if I’m wrong, what’s the worst that can happen? You spend the day searching for beauty around you, connecting with others, and doing what you’re passionate about? Sounds like a win-win to me.


1 Comment

  1. richard lewis

    August 28, 2019 at 3:58 PM

    great job, Angela !!! so proud of you…you’re an inspiration and a breath of fresh air. keep up the good work you do !!!

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