
‘Big Brother Canada’ Recap: One Houseguest Makes History In First Eviction Of Season

Big Brother Canada continued its two-night premiere event on Thursday night as the remaining three houseguests in danger fought for survival and it would conclude in one shocking decision.

Big Brother Canada continued its two-night premiere event on Thursday night as the remaining three houseguests in danger fought for survival and it would conclude in one shocking decision.

The episode picks up following the completion of the physical challenge. Chris is already getting to work trying to gain allies just in case he is on the block facing eviction while Nico is annoyed he is already facing some trouble in the game.

It was then time for the mental competition to take place as the bottom three had to look at live-action figures and answer questions based on what they see. At the end of six rounds, Chris would be the winner of the mental comp and earn his safety for the week. This means either Nico or Susanne will be the first to go and since this is Big Brother, the house will decide.

Jamar tries to give Susanne a talk because she begins to break down. She works on her social game and wants to form an alliance with Carol, Brooke, Sheldon, and Kyle. There was a bit of drama as Minh-Ly told her fellow houseguests they are annoying her when they enter the bedroom being loud and to keep it down. Kyle and Minh-Ly get into it and she is beginning to rub everyone the wrong way. Two episodes in and this season is already better than the last two combined. YES!

While the drama is going on, Madeline, Rianne, John Luke, and Micheal form an alliance called The Evictors.

Nico is down and doesn’t want to campaign but Minh-Ly takes that into her own hands and throws Susanne under the bus, which just pisses off everyone in the process. Susanne wants to call her out but decides to not say anything for the time being.

Nico is depressed and doesn’t see the point of staying through the eviction vote. He heads to the Diary Room and tells Big Brother he hasn’t been happy in days and just wants out. He leaves through the DR door and show producers inform the houseguests he is not returning to the game and the eviction has been canceled.

Host Arisa Cox returns to begin the first Head of Household competition of the season. It is a basketball challenge with the houseguests throwing a ball and must land their ball in a basket. The HG with the highest score will win. But we’ll have to wait until the next episode to find out who takes the crown.

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Big Brother Canada airs on Global in Canada and continues Sunday night at 7 pm ET.


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