
Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 07×05, Debbie

Last week’s episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine left us on a cliffhanger as quiet, anxious Debbie Fogle was breaking into the evidence locker at the Nine-Nine. This week, we find out what happens. When Debbie comes into work acting suspicious (happy, cheerful, talkative), the squad immediately knows it was her who stole the 20 blocks of cocaine and two machine guns, which were evidence in a case against crime boss Silvio Nucci. 

After Hitchcock overhears Debbie in the ladies’ room arranging a drop with Nucci, Terry brings her into the interrogation room but she won’t reveal why she’s working for him. In order to get some answers, Jake and Rosa go undercover as cops who are also working for Nucci. Debbie, Jake, and Rosa head to a hotel room to wait for Nucci’s call. But then the plan goes sideways. Debbie starts snorting the coke, she beats up Rosa when she learns she’s been texting the Nine-Nine, and she reveals that Nucci promised her $1 million that she was going to use for her dad’s surgery.

Once Nucci texts the burner phone, the three of them go to a massive mansion where the drop will happen. Debbie snorts more coke and returns waving the guns and donning a Cruella de Vil, I mean, Perdita, fur coat. Jake tries to get Debbie to drop the guns by flirting with her. But when he makes a move to grab the gun, Debbie beats him up too. I guess that self-defense class at the women’s gym really works. Debbie’s mom arrives just before Nucci only to tell Debbie how disappointing she is. 

Now, Jake, Rosa, and her mom are all tied up. In a rare emotional moment from Rosa, she tells Debbie that her family also never supported her. We learned earlier that Rosa cracked under pressure of being a teenage ballerina and broke into a bunch of houses and wound up in juvie. That’s a lot of backstory revealed in less than two minutes. Rosa’s story, and Debbie not wanting to be an accessory to murder, convinces Debbie to let them go. Nucci shows up to get the drugs and the rest of the Nine-Nine shows up to arrest him. In the end, Rosa tells Jake that she told the D.A. that Debbie cooperated with them and that she’d likely only get ten years instead of thirty.

Featured photo courtesy of NBC


  • Chastity Ashley is a musician who has worked with artists like Kanye West and as a touring musician with Duran Duran. She writes about the music industry, business, and pop culture.

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