Actress, singer, entrepreneur – it’s safe to say Christina Fulton is the definition of a multi-talented woman, and last month she added ‘talk show host’ to her already impressive resume when she launched ‘Shine.’ The inspirational and fun show sees her interview some incredible people and some big names including Academy Award winner Nick Vallelonga. With a second series already in the works, PopWrapped caught up with Christina to find out more about the show, to reflect on her career and to discover what the coming year or so has in store for her.
As an actress you had a pretty prolific career and period of work between 1991 and 2000 – which of your works might you say you’re most proud of and why?
Oh, that question to an actress is so funny because we are so proud of everything we do you know, so I say I’m proud of everything that I’ve done. And I can’t wait to do more! I’m not finished. Just so you know, I’m back. I think “The Doors” was a really important movie to me because I wanted to make sure I was being her. You know, Nico is hard to live up to. I think that’s a big challenge whenever you’re going to portray an actual person that was here in the world. I’m proud of that.
Your son, Weston Coppola Cage, is also an actor – did you ever or do you still pass on any advice to him, or are you just happy to watch him forge his own path in the industry?
Oh my god, I was the mom that when my son came to me and said “I want to be a singer.” I didn’t hand him a CD and say “Hey, listen to this music”, I actually got him a band, started a band with him, made his clothes, really led him down the road to help him with his career, I think parents should do that. When you get a glimpse of your child’s dreams, go and do more. That’s my advice about motherhood. I did way more than give a little advice. I literally was his band manager for a while. I think it’s great. Parents know more about their child than anyone. I just felt I always wanted to support his dreams of life, whatever they were. And I still do whatever he wants to do. I’m always supporting him.
What made you think now was the right time to launch your talk show ‘Shine’ and what would you say makes it different from the many others you’re now competing with?
Well, I’m telling you – I don’t know how you guys feel out there, but I want some shine! I want some good TV. I want to see good stories. We get enough of the news, just turn on any channel. Let’s focus on the frequency, you know, raising our vibration and our energy. For us, this SHINE show. I love it so much. And again, what makes us different, is that we are granular – so when I have you on my show, I’m going to take you to the little Flavor Flav, you know, the “who are you?” I want to know your real name, go forward and really teach people the arc of a person that they didn’t know. I want you to leave that episode and be like, “What? I didn’t know about that!” I’m that woman that’s going to you know, Wikipedia you out, you know, and I think it’s important. I don’t want to know the gossip. It’s not a gossip show. And I’m so proud of that. So excited. We’re making people shiny.
Which of the guests you’ve got set to appear, without giving too much away as to why, were you most excited to have on the show?
I love all my guests and all the ones that are coming on the second season. I am amazed by each and every one of them- there’s eight guests in the first episode. Each one is so different. It’s like how can you not know these guys? You do know them, but now you really know them. I love them. How could you pick? They’re all special.
There’s a season two of ‘Shine’ already in the works – is there anything you can tease about the guests you’re hoping might agree to appear?
Well, the first season I had a lot of celebrities, and a lot of people you may know of this. The second season is going to be all around wellness. ‘m bringing you some really cutting-edge wellness titans and masterminds. Without giving it away, just imagine who’s out there in the world as a big titan- they’re gonna come on SHINE!
Away from acting and your TV work, you’re also the CEO of Immortal Beauty. For anyone unfamiliar with the brand, can you just share a little about it? Who would you say its target audience/market is and what’s its USP?
I am the “skin hacker.” I have been working on this a very long time. And because of this stigma for women, and now it’s gone into men as well, I wanted to have a skincare line that really worked. I wanted to have skincare that was all around science and told you the truth, and I wanted it to be the best. I work with my partner in Japan Mr. Iki Sakakura. The Japanese are so ahead of the game, they’ve always been leading in the world of skincare, and how to care for yourself as a human being, too. We manufacture everything in Japan. We’ve been working on from this for years, and years, and years. Then I got the approval stamp from Caltech University bio chemists, that was a really great moment. For me, it was an ‘a-ha’! moment, and I’m thrilled. I’m a nerd. I mean, I am so into science. I’m all about your DNA and your mitochondria, and how can we slow this down? You know, nobody wants to feel unattractive, or their skin to be in a bad condition.
We have seven products, we are working with China, Macau, Hong Kong, and now Russia and the United States. In the middle of a pandemic, I was just like everybody else, “Oh, my God, what am I gonna do?” because we got shut down and I need to be around people, I need to touch them, I need to be with them, I need to talk to them. I am really excited to tell you that we’re we’ve gone global and Immortal Beauty, Inc is going on a beauty tour across the United States as soon as we’re really, really, really open. I’m going to stand on stages and talk to everyone in the world of fitness, wellness, skin. Care is so important. Don’t ever let anyone think it’s not – it’s just absolutely important. Wellness of our skin starts really early. Did you know that you age as early as nine years old? This is what by my biochemists from Caltech told me and my skincare came out as you know, as a test from him. Research shows that my skincare was actually helping the cells to divide and thrive. My dad would be so proud of me, being that he’s an engineer and scientist. Daughter of a scientist, of course, she’s going to make the best skincare for you guys!
I’m going on a college tour, because I really want young kids to know that you are not invincible. Your late nights, drinking and partying. You know, by the time you’re 30 you don’t want to look in the mirror and be like, “Oh my god, what do I do?” So, my line goes for everyone, teenage all the way to 125 years old. To add to that, it starts early. Parents should be teaching you at that nine and 10, wash your face, get out of the sun, sleep, exercise. Exercise is number one at Caltech. I went to forever young technology. I was invited. Number one. This scientist says the number one in slowing down the way you age, and your skin and brain. I’m gonna go back to this point- I’m just a pusher of fitness. Come to my class, Los Angeles crunch. We burn 1000 calories in one hour and it’s just bad ass.
Finally then, you’ve proven yourself to be a very talented woman in several different markets and industries but is there anything else you’d perhaps like to try your hand at or do you think your metaphorical plate is full enough? What does the next year or so have in store for you and what do you still have to tick off your bucket lists, both personal and professional?
Never full! Well, I’m writing a book. I’m a singer. When I first moved to Los Angeles, I got signed with A&M Records. I’m an EDM singer, I’m that girl that you can’t tell me I’m too old to sing. If you think of Tiesto or David Guetta; they always have these really incredible female voices that are so epic and ethereal. I’m putting out a single. I haven’t put out a single since 2017 and I’m excited. It’s called “Shut Up.” Not in a bad way – it has a couple of meanings to it.
I’ve gone global with my skincare and the beauty tour is going to crush. I want to go all over the world and just be there for everyone. Be that example. I’m such a hacker, hack like a queen, hack like a techie, and hack like a scientist. On my bucket list, I’ve got to get out there and continue to do that. I think that will bring me travel and I can meet people from all over the world, and they can get a little dose of the shine. Personally, just always growing, being grateful. You know, every day that we’re here, we’re alive. We’re making it through such an epic, historic moment in our lives. And if we can do this, you guys, we can do anything.
To keep up to date with Christina, give her page a like on Facebook or follow her on Instagram and for more information on ‘Shine’, click here.