
GleeToMe: Lara Meier Spreads The Love From Glee To UofM

PW’s Lara Meier bids farewell to Glee, and spreads some extra love to its members and fans who made the last few years so special!

PW's Lara Meier bids farewell to Glee, and spreads some extra love to its members and fans who made the last few years so special!

“This Time” by Darren Criss was just released and I was anxiously awaiting this song – I have been for weeks now and my excitement has only grown since Darren Criss started sharing his emotional and pure lyrics, verse by verse, on social media.

So one would think, I jumped at the opportunity to listen to the song, sung by Rachel Berry in Glee‘s last episode. Find out why I cannot for the life of me do that:

I have been watching the phenomenal show for the past four to five years, perfecting my English, falling in love with various other TV-shows, some cities and even states in the U.S.! My love for musicals and Broadway – and further the West End – has developed and grown ever since I saw that ambitious young girl having a slushy thrown in her face after singing the perfect musical number.

I don’t know where I could begin to tell anyone, what Glee means to me, so I am sure I will forget some details, but know this: I am not a crazy Gleek – at least not anymore (SORRY!!) – but I appreciate the show to the fullest and I have to admit that in some way, everything I do and everything I am interested in (including just myself) is slightly or strongly influenced by the FOX show, whose last episodes are premiering THIS Friday.

I am an aspiring actress – which is completely caused by Rachel Berry, with whom I could identify so easily. Guess which school I flew out to audition for this year! I am from Austria and flew all the way to the United States just for this one school! Can you guess it? It’s Team StarKid’s university, the University of Michigan! I have already heard back from them, so I will obviously apply again next year, but nonetheless, it meant the world to me that they asked me to fly out there and I don’t regret a penny, because the love I have for this school is bigger than just me. It was created by Glee, evolving through Darren Criss and – whoooop – TEAM STARKID and then was intensified by every nice person of UofM I met either online or in person.

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Shout-out to some friends: Ann Arbor T-shirt Company – thanks for letting me crash at your place; Laurel – girl you’re just so cool and further umich’s Quiddich-team – you are amazing, guys!

Enough of my failed plans, let’s go on with some friends I made, because of this crazy addictive show… In 2013 I decided to go to Darren Criss’ Paris concert and the Imogene premiere (in French it is called Imogene and I refuse to call it any other name – especially the German title is terrible!). Despite having the stars wave at us, because I thought being polite and greeting them would be a good idea, I also had my iPod signed, because I am sneaky like that. It was the first trip I went to by myself and I made some totally awesome friends, who now support me to the fullest! I have kept in touch with some but have not interacted with others; however, we have a bond and we will meet up if the time is right. I will never forget them and how much they mean to me.

Shout-out time again: England-crew, Tanja and Moa – I love you to bits and pieces, because you are just amazing! Anni, you are totally awesome giving me the courage to do so many things I have done in my life – and I am not even 18 yet! Stefanie, I have not heard from you in a while, but thanks for going to Paris with me! Bea-TA, I love you, thanks for organizing those tickets and meeting-up and everything! Francesca (I know you don’t like that name, but I still don’t know how to write your nick name haha), we spend some cool times together, you rock! Marvin, I miss you… Nico, Mere, Laura, Tardis-K basically… You are friends for life and I can’t WAIT for our next production!

I am sure I forgot some people, but I will stop now!

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All in all, I want to thank everyone who has made my life so special during the past few years.

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THANK YOU CAST OF GLEE for making me realize important (and unimportant) things in life. Thanks for showing me what I should stand up for and what I should ignore (still working on those things). I owe a lot to you.

Finally, I still cannot listen to that darn song, because I just can’t see another thing end after my life dreams have crashed for a moment; after an important chapter in my acting-life has closed; before I graduate from the school where I have been a student and representative for 8 years, with the same 19 people for most of that time. Closing this chapter is hard, but I will manage. It will take some time until I am ready to make that step. I will watch the Episode and listen to “This Time”!

Follow me through these emotional hours on Saturday afternoon European time on Twitter and see for yourself, whether I can make it without crying. Selfies included!

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