
Marvel And Beyonce: Can You Handle This?

Marvel have reportedly approached Beyonce to appear in a future MCU movie.

Marvel have reportedly approached Beyonce to appear in a future MCU movie.

Somewhere, in a parallel universe – let’s call it the Destiny’s Child Cinematic Universe – people are clamouring to get pop legends The Avengers into their latest big screen adventure. This is something I’d see in a split second.

However, in this universe the roles are somewhat reversed, as the folks at Marvel have reportedly approached the Queen Bee herself, Beyoncé, to appear in one of their upcoming movies.

Comic Book World are reporting via The Daily Star,  an executive at Disney – who goes unnamed – has opened up in regards to this possible collaboration.

‘We would love to have Beyoncé on board, almost certainly as a newcomer to the screen from Marvel’s existing catalogue of comic book characters’.

Now, the idea of Beyoncé joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe is an interesting one. Having two giants of pop culture smashing together would be certainly good for business and perhaps bring a new audience to their films, although it’s hard to know at this point who the pop legend could portray. Marvel are all for light-hearted cameos, but aren’t particularly known for shoehorning celebrity names into movies just for the sake of it.

We’ll keep a solid eye on this one and see where it’s heading. Beyoncé pretty much runs the world, so if she wants to be in a Marvel movie – and who doesn’t? – she’ll more than likely find a way in.

The third Avengers movie Infinity War – Part 1 is due for release on May 4, 2018. Part 2 will arrive a year later on May 3rd, 2019.

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