Pop 5: Five Reasons To Watch “Dexter”



Susan Booth

Staff Writer

It’s that time again! This is our Pop Five, and it’s all about Dexter! I must take a moment to give credit to my fellow staff writer

Deanne Cooper

on helping me come up with most of these reasons! She’s a wonderful writer and a fellow Dexter fan! Without further ado, here is the Pop Five reason why you SHOULD watch Dexter!

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Harry Morgan

: Not everyone can say that they have parents like this. Harry taught Dexter the code in order to keep him safe and help in get justice when the law was unable to do so. He’s like Dexter’s guardian angel, and yet still treats him as though he was the son he never had.


Debra Morgan’s Swearing

: This girl has managed to come up with some of the most creative way to swear that I have EVER heard in my life. I’m sure someone may have already thought of this. I think it would be loads of fun to start a Dexter drinking game, focused on the person taking a shot everytime Deb says the F word. Double shots if it’s creative!


The Story:

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It pulls you in from the very first episode and is MORE than capable of keeping you on your toes and always makes you second guess everything. It’s very compelling, smart, funny and just an overall great show with so much to offer! An added bonus, it’s nice to watch those very RARE scenes where Dexter gets down and dirty, if you know what I mean. 


The Guest Stars

: For the past seven seasons of Dexter, they have brought in so many wonderful guest stars who have really made this show amazingly fun to watch. Stars like Jim Beaver, John Lithgow, Mos Def, Jimmy Smitts, Colin Hanks, Johnny Lee Miller, Julia Stiles and Edward James Almos! With stars like that, it would be an absolute SHAME NOT to watch Dexter!

1.) I have to give the number one reason to watch Dexter to Deanne Coopers credit once again. She made a very valid point and I couldn’t possibly agree with her more on this! The number 1 reason to watch Dexter is for the whole idea behind Dexter and his Dark Passenger. Yes, he kills people who managed to bypass the law and ALMOST get away with it, but Dexter sees that they pay for what they’ve done. He maintains a stable job working for the police (Yeah, I know that might see alittle odd considering how he spends his free time. But, the blood speaks to him better than anyone. So, it stands to reason that being a blood splatter analyst is the right cover for him.) He is also very protective of his family and always takes care of them, no matter what is happening around him.

There are a lot more reasons to watch Dexter, and perhaps this list might help convince you. If you’ve heard about the Emmy-Award winning series, perhaps now is the time to watch the pilot and see how you feel afterwards. Truth be told, the first time I watched Dexter I spent the next week being completely creeped out by him.

I got farther into season one, it all started to make sense about why he is the way that he is. I became less creeped out and more interested in how he’s able to get away with all the crap he manages to do. If there’s one thing I know it’s this: Don’t listen to what others have to say about this series and then choose to form your opinion around what someone else told you. Find out for yourself!

We as individuals know what we like better than others who think that because they hate it that we will too. Try Dexter on for size, if you don’t like it that’s okay, but if you do…you’ll never regret it for a second, I promise you that!



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