
PopWrapped Chats With Artist, Performer And Life Reseacher, Lexy Hulme



Heather O’Connell

Content Editor

There are performers in life that when you see them you just know they are something special, and I honestly believe that Ms. Alexandra ‘Lexy’ Hulme is one of those special performers. I was first introduced to this lovely lady and her work through Dianna Agron’s website, You, Me, & Charlie (YM&C), where she is currently an editor.

Once I saw her work on YM&C I hoped that I could meet her someday, and while I still haven’t met her I did get the chance to email her some questions to get to know her a little better. The first topic of conversation had to be her nickname “painty hands”. With such a unique name there has to be a great meaning behind it right?

*Quick Author’s Note: I wanted to keep this answer in its original form due to its very original response*

Lexy’s Response: “Ooo! Yes, PAINTYHANDS – Maybe this will explain:

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door bell rings.  door springs open.  the sun.
charming-charmed boi.   a starry-stare girl.
she’s wearing a dress  – matching red lipstick – and  – nothing else.
boi.  “which do i like more, your legs or your lips?”
girl.  most disapproving of looks.
throws purse.  collapses.  tears.   (oops!  something breaks.  she looks.  sheforgot. something fragile.  the purse was carrying colors)
a sumi ink explosion.  flowing from the purse.  everywhere.  like water.
black inky water.
boi.  wide eyed CONFUSED.
girl.  Absolutely ABSOLUTE!!!
covering herself.  herhands.  herface.  in the black sumi ink.  finally a smile.  the biggest.
boi.  a scared stiff stare.
girl.  full speed ahead.  grabs boi’s face.  tackles to the ground.
the floor.
boi a gasp.  an explosion.  a kiss.  hand prints.
he is covered heels over head in paint.
A       M O M E N T
boi.  “okay” – out of breath.  “i take it back.”  – a breath.

“i like your painty hands the most.”
girl.  still holding his face.

door slams shut.  the moon.
a dream – a wish – two hearts.

                                                           and finaleee 

                                                 a PUPPYCAT BLACK OUT.”

Since her nickname is “painty hands” it should come as no surprise that her tumblr would be In her tumblr description she says that she shares her work “through a blooming interplay of film making, photography, writing, and live performance”. Hulme makes her living as a performer and many might think that she chose the performer lifestyle but she would tell you otherwise.

She personally doesn’t think that she chose to be a performer; she thinks that being a performer chose her. “I like to think ‘it’ chose me!  I hope to make art whether I’m performing, directing or making a sculpture of the Sahara – for the rest of my life :)”

Something to envy about Ms. Hulme is that she performs for the love of the art. It’s not the money or fame that she craves, but performs because it’s something that she’s passionate about and loves doing. She is such an inspiration to so many people that it’s something to wonder about who inspires her.

“I am inspired by so many folks for so many different reasons. Both alive as well as artists from the past.  This past year I have been lucky to find a collaborator in Celia Rascal-Hall (formerly Rowlson-Hall). She inspires me with her genuine creativity and brave spirit!”

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Rascal-Hall and Hulme have collaborated on many videos and each one has a little piece of magic in it to make it special. Their videos have this theme about them that seem to always be able to put a smile on your face. So how did these two come to become the dynamic duo of “Ce and Lu”?

Miss Ce[Celia] and I were introduced via a mutual friend. They said we needed to make things together – they were RIGHT.”

If you haven’t gotten the chance to see any of the work these two have put out then you have really been missing out. And you’ll be in the dark about their genius no more because two videos will be introduced to you today from these lovely ladies.

The first is called “Mariah’s Lollipop” and this video is one that everyone should see at least once in their life. It’s a little piece of magic that came to be out of pure spontaneity. To be honest the motto of this video should be “the show must go on” because that’s exactly what happened when this video was being filmed. You can check out the video below and if you’d like to know more about what happened behind the scenes and how it came to be, check out Lexy’s reflections on the experience at YM&C.


When “Mariah’s Lollipop” was first released on You, Me, & Charlie, Hulme mentioned that the original video ended up becoming a trailer which was to then be developed into a feature film. It’s been over a year since the video was released and there hasn’t been any real news about what’s going on with the feature film, well until now that is…

“MARIAH’S LOLLIPOP! We just got a producer on board and we start shooting our film in three weeks!  Ahhh – – – I have never been so excited about a project in my life.”

So yes “Mariah’s Lollipop” fans the film is happening and with the amazing films Ce and Lu have released in the past this film will surely not disappoint.

Another MUST SEE video from these two definitely has to be their music video for the band The Neighbors’ song “Way to go”. It’s a very fun video that will make you want to dance seeing them dancing around having a great time!

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Since Hulme is an editor for Dianna Agron’s website most of her original videos are posted there. In fact, many of you might have already seen her videos before today. Being a part of the Charlie world is something she’s very proud of, she might have even said “Awww yes – there’s nothing like The Charlies!”

So many of you might be wondering how Hulme became a part of the Charlie world?

“Miss Dianna [Agron] and I have always been a creative duet. One day after going to an art show she asked me if I’d like to jump on board as an editor for her new project YM&C. I am honored and delighted to be a part of her magical world.”

Agron and Hulme have known each other since 2011 when Hulme was part of the dancing troupe supporting the Glee Tour. Noticing some pretty big similarities, the two quickly became friends: “We met dancing together on stage of GLEE TOUR 2011 🙂 We had similar haircuts at the time & began calling each other Betty & Betty like from Archie’s Girls ‘Betty & Veronica.”

Photo courtesy of Lexy Hulme Instagram

As if that answer wasn’t adorable enough her favorite Agron memory has to be even sweeter… “Favourite Dianna memory: her outrageous costume parties (!!) and her heart of gold <3”

Agron is a favorite here at PopWrapped for her portrayal as Quinn Fabray on the show Glee. Hulme first appeared on the hit show as one of the tango dancers backing up Matthew Morrison (Will Schuester) and Gwyneth Paltrow (Holly Holliday) in their smoldering rendition of Prince’s classic “Kiss” from season 2’s “Sexy”.

Photo courtesy of tumblr

She then joined the dance troupe for the summer tour across the US, the UK and Ireland. From seeing tweets from the cast to watching the episodes of Glee anyone can see that cast and crew are a huge family that cares very much for each other. Though keeping mom on the backstage antics, Hulme did reveal this about the tour experience, “The wild and crazy adventures! I love all of those people so much. SO thankful to have my dancin pal from tour, Miss Brittany Parks, in NY Fall.”

Glee was obviously a great work experience for Hulme, but that isn’t the only great opportunity she has gotten. She’s also danced in the hit movie (500) days of summer, and the recently axed NBC show, SMASH. Besides those opportunities a huge opportunity came knocking on her door this past summer as she was asked to choreograph a number for the hit HBO show Girls with her friend Celia. She tweeted her excitement for choreographing for the show back in June along with this photo.

Photo courtesy of Lexy Hulme Instagram

Speaking of the shoot, she said, “It was a dream! We shot out on Long Island so Ce and I got to have a little vacation together out of the city! Excited for everyone to see that episode when it airs – Everyone had a blast!” Unfortunately, she couldn’t reveal any details about what she did for the episode just yet, but she did say that “more would be unveiled on this dance scene in the coming weeks!”

Choreographing for Girls is just one of the many projects that Hulme has been working on recently, and it’s safe to say that she has plenty of things on her plate in the coming months.

“Currently I am in Boston filming a dance scene for an independent film called GASP, I am associate choreographing two Broadway Bound musicals this Fall, and choreographed a little dance scene that should air soon on NBC’s Blacklist. Just shot two very fun music videos as well as a musical number for Vanity Fair’s decade series. I’m very excited about starting production on Mariah’s Lollipop. This will be my first film to co-write, co-direct and co-star in!! I can’t wait to be in production on something where I am a part of the entire process.”

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Busy, busy lady she is but one of those projects she mentioned is out now and that would be the musical number for Vanity Fair’s decade series. The decade for her musical number is the 50s and it’s full of history about the decade but the video actually made history fun. You can check out the Vanity Fair video below:

Another recently video she recently participated in was this Alessi’s Ark music video “Money”, which Lexy not only starred in, but also choreographed. The video was directed by the lovely Kristina Carucci:

Lexy is all about positivity so the perfect way to end this would be to find out what the motto is that she lives her life by, and while she doesn’t have just one motto her favorite is a great one to live life by.

“I love new motto’s for every moment – but one of my favourites is “DREAM IT. PAINT IT. LIVE IT.”

Please check out her Dance Reel below and if you’d like to know more about Lexy you can check out her website or get updates on what she’s up to on her Twitter, tumblr, and instagram!

Final Authors Note: It took nearly a month to get these questions answered after emails back and forth of busy schedules and apologies, but this article is finally written and I couldn’t be more proud of it. I believe that I can honestly say that Lexy is one of the most kind-hearted people I’ve ever had the chance of speaking with and her attitude about life in general is one that I wish more people had. Ms. Lexy thank you again for the letting me ask you these questions, you truly are an inspiration lady!  Everyone, I really hope that if you’ve taken the chance to read this that you’ve fallen in love with her work and character as much as I have.

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