
PREMIERE: Chris Anthony’s “Get Away”

PREMIERE: Chris Anthony’s “Get Away”

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Steeped in modernity, alt-pop artist Chris Anthony uses his music to explore personal experiences with mental health. He hopes this will encourage listeners to live to their fullest and remind them to help others because we never know what someone else is experiencing.

His debut single, Alone, received over 10,000 streams in the first month— boosting his platform and allowing him to work with some of his idols. Alone was a collaborative track between Chris and rising pop talent Warren Russell, who notably plays guitar for Christian French. Through this, Chris has looked to artists such as Jeremy Zucker and Christian French for sonic inspiration and adding his own uniquely low vocal range to create a sound listeners have yet to hear.

June 19, Chris Anthony makes his return with “Get Away”, a catchy, upbeat, track paired with deep lyrics and overall epic vibe. PopWrapped has your exclusive listen to the track, ahead of its release. We also chatted with Chris to dive a little bit deeper into this track, the inspirations, and more.

PopWrapped (PW): “Get Away” is a catchy, upbeat, summer vibe. The production is simple, yet, clean and super addicting. What inspired the vibe of this track? & who did you work with on this track?

Chris Anthony (CA): I wanted to release something upbeat in groovy especially with summer right around the corner! I think with everything going on in the world this song acts as a good distraction and a reminder to take in the beauty of life and what our world has to offer. I worked with my man Bardo on this track, he helped produce and mix it. I’m totally stoked that I got to work with him he is super talented, and his style of production is what drew me towards him.

PW: After one listen, I’ve already got the beat stuck in my head. How does this track compare to some of the other tracks you are working on?

CA: Comparing this track to my previous release “Alone” I wanted this track to have more of a flow to it with a walking bass line and more production elements. What is so awesome about alone is it is able to deliver the message clearly and I felt like that song did not need tons of production work rather more effort into the vocal work. This time around the production was a lot more hands on taking me more than a few months of change after change and man takes to accomplish the finished product.

PW: Dream collaborations are something we love to talk about here at PopWrapped. This track gives us Jeremy Zucker mixed with Christian French, and a little bit of Jon Bellion. Who do you look to for music motivation when creating your art? & who are some artists that you want to work with?

CA: That’s awesome to hear! Jeremy Zucker is definitely someone I get compared to a lot, I think this mainly is due to the fact that we both use a lot of vocal fry and our delivers are a lot alike, and Christian French is someone I befriended a few years back and watching him grow from the ground up has been insane, going to his shows and being able to work under his manager was truly a blessing. But if there is any artist, I would dream working with it would definitely be Charlie Puth. I say this because obviously we all know how talented he is with his perfect pitch but besides that I really respect his appreciation of music and his confidence in using more jazz chords and using deceptive cadences – this is something I would be down to work more towards as I continue to grow as a musician.

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PW: “Get Away” follows a mental health message. Is this something that you struggle with personally? What do you do to make sure you’re staying in the best mindset possible when making your music?

CA: Mental health is certainly a topic that is becoming more prevalent in our society today. I think that everyone can agree that they have experienced at least some level of uncertainty or depression or even an extreme high, and I am no exception. The best way for me to stay positive when writing and composing is to really relax and focus myself whether this is just my closing my eyes and breathing – a impromptu yoga session if you will, reading self-help books, exercising, or putting on some old records on my record player to get inspired and getting in that right mindset is really important and something I encourage everyone to do.

PW: Finally, what do you hope your audience, as well as our audience can take from “Get Away”, the message, etc? What is next for you, your music, and what do you hope to achieve (big or small) in the next few years?

CA: I hope my audience can realize that what they see in their everyday lives and on social media isn’t necessary to living your life to the fullest. Sure, it’s fun to treat yourself to nice thing but like the Beatles said, “Money can’t buy me love.” It’s important to just enjoy what you have because life goes by really quickly and some people may not have the things you take for granted. The message is corny but an important one that gets lost a lot in our society. I hope to continue to collaborate with others but at the same time push myself and my sound to new places and make myself uncomfortable. I want to find more ways for everyone to enjoy my music, if its someone just looking for a song to just vibe out and bump their heads to in the car, or someone to sit down and analyze the meaning of it, I want everyone to feel like they can relate to what I’m doing and as a result hopefully bring people more happiness. That is honestly something I would be really happy with achieving.

Chris Anthony’s “Get Away” is available June 19th on all major music platforms worldwide. You can follow along Chris’ music journey on Facebook and Instagram. Let us know your thoughts on this epic new track from Chris by sounding off in the comments section below this post or chat with us on social media, @PopWrapped.


  • Nicholas Liddle is an Entertainment Journalist and PR Student. Nicholas covers all the latest music, celebrity, and Pop Culture news.

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