
“Sex-Ed At Hogwarts” Class Held At Boston University

As part of Boston University’s “Frisky Feburary” program, two graduate interns organized a Harry Potter-themed course called “Sex-Ed at Hogwarts.”

As part of Boston University's "Frisky Feburary" program, two graduate interns organized a Harry Potter-themed course called "Sex-Ed at Hogwarts."

At Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, students were able to take classes to learn about everything from caring for a hippogriff to escaping from boggarts, but two graduate interns at Boston University wondered how you could have an entire castle filled with rampaging teen hormones and not explain to them what a condom is. This thought led them to organize a seminar titled “Sex-Ed at Hogwarts.”

On February 26, Michelle Goode and Jamie Klufts, who work at Boston University’s Wellness and Prevention Services program, hosted a conversation on healthy sexuality while including gratuitous references to the beloved Harry Potter series. It was a part of their month-long sexual health and education initiative, which they endearingly called “Frisky February.”

“A lot of students entering college don’t actually get a foundation in sexual health, so we are going back to the basics, and finding ways to loop in references and scenarios from Harry Potter.” Klufts told the Boston Globe. “How can you have a school full of wizards and not talk about sex and sexuality?”

The hour and a half class will covered topics including contraception, STDs, and responsible drinking while using scenarios and jargon from the entire Harry Potter series. “We’re using the references as an opening and avenue to get the conversations started,” said Goode.

The description of the class describes it as a way to “learn the proper way to get consent to enter one’s chamber of secrets and how to snog without getting hogwarts.”

I must say, readers, as a way to decrease the stigma around an open discussion of sexual education, using something as entrenched in pop culture as the Harry Potter series seems like an excellent idea, but in all honesty, I would go just to experience more puns like those.

What do you think? Would you attend a Hogwarts-themed sex-ed class? Let us know in the comments!

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