
Skofee Talks “QVC” And Her Future Plans

“…reminded me of how I’ve sold myself on the wrong decisions in the past, knowing that I probably won’t get the desired outcome.”

Having grown up listening to an assortment of music, notably bluegrass and folk thanks to her parents and performing in her high school choir and musical theater shows, Skofee has now become an artist and a talent in her own right and has a steadily growing fanbase behind her. PopWrapped caught up with Skofee to talk about her new single “QVC”, the song she most likes to sing in the shower and her ambitions for the next few years.

How’d you come up with the name Skofee? Is there any particular meaning behind the name?

My mom actually helped me come up with it haha!  It’s a play on my last name. I knew I wanted a one-word name that was punchy and memorable and felt like Skofee encapsulated that.

Tell me a little about your new single “QVC.” Where’d the idea for it come from?

I was staying in a house that happened to have an older tv with only a few channels. I was flipping through them and landed on the infomercial channel for some reaso; it really is entertaining! Like a crash course in how to frame things in a way that people will find appealing to make sales. All this reminded me of how I’ve sold myself on the wrong decisions in the past, knowing that I probably won’t get the desired outcome. It’s definitely tongue-in-cheek and meant to be a bit more lighthearted than some of my other music.

The “QVC” video is imaginative and has a great aesthetic. Is there a particular story or concept behind the video?

I wanted to incorporate the classic QVC salesroom concept into the video, but also show a journey that leads directly back to where it started. So Max Sherpardson, the director, and his team with helped establish a world where I was following a phone line through different rooms and up an endless ladder until I’m sent back to where I started. The whole thing was filmed in front of a greenscreen in their garage, we had so much fun making it and their VFX work blew me away.

I noticed you were eating cereal in the video. What’s your favorite breakfast cereal?

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Finally, someone asks me about this! I’ve gotta go with Reese’s Puffs but I would be remiss not to shoutout Cap’N Crunch.

Lyrically and artistically, who or what are you most inspired by, and how do those influences filter through into the music you make?

I’m obsessed with music’s ability to bring closeness; I find it so inspiring. Hearing a lyric from an unknown source and having it hit your gut in a familiar way is so indescribably comforting. That invisible thread is such an important reminder of our shared fears, joys and experiences. The thought that my music would provide that feeling to anyone gives me butterflies I love it.

How would you describe the music that you typically create?

I guess just pop with heavy lyrics? Alt pop with lots of vocal layers and synths? Right now, I’m writing a lot and kind of just seeing what comes out – I’m down for a song to be whatever it’s wanting to be.

Which is your favorite song to sing in the shower?

“Chandelier” by Sia.

If we were to look at the artists you are listening to, who would we find on your playlist?

Angele, Rina Sawayama, Sasha Sloan, Chelsea Jade, Amber Mark, Cautious Clay, ELIO.

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As an artist, how do you feel about the power of social media and the role it plays in your career?

I feel weird about it! Social media is so powerful and should be treated as such, and I’m really grateful to be able to connect with people that way. But it can also be really draining and pull you from what’s happening around you in person. Overall, I’m stoked I get the chance to connect with people online but yeah – I think there’s a good balance that everyone’s gotta find for themselves. I’m personally still figuring out mine.

With “QVC” out now, any idea which single you’ll release next?

I’ll never tell! But I have some stuff in the works that I’m really excited about.

What accomplishments do you see yourself achieving in the next 5 to 10 years?

I want to put out another EP, an album, hop on some tours, learn guitar and get more tattoos. Oh, and do lots of collaborations with other artists.

Check out the video for “QVC” below and for more information on and to keep up-to-date with Skofee, visit her website, give her page a like on Facebook or follow her on Twitter and Instagram.

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