The Top 8 Make A Stand On The Voice: Who Blew The Competition Away?



Tarra Matthews


Erika Rivera

Managing Editors

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Hello everyone and welcome to the MEMORIAL DAY edition of The Voice!! It’s time for Top 8 to perform tonight on the Voice! It’s also Memorial Day so shout out to all the Vets and the Fallen. I wonder if they will touch on that tonight and do dedications to them. Hopefully, this time around, there won’t be pity votes for Team Blake (sorry, I really think that’s what happened). Let’s get started!!!

Tarra’s sidenote: 

Can’t believe all y’all still have kept all the Adam’s Angels and Blaaaaaa-ke country bumpkins around while newbies Usher and Shakira are down to their final lil competitor.

Filler performance: Blake takes the stage to sing his latest single “The Boys Around Here” or something like that…He sounds like he’s talking more than singing in this song. Not really impressed. I prefer his more heartfelt songs. Next please!!!

Tarra’s sidenote:

Before we get to the competitors, we have to listen to Blake sing a track that is a throwback to Kid Rock’s attempt at country music mixed with a little Duck Dynasty quacking. You’re welcome ‘Murrica.

Tarra’s Take:

Judith Hill

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You picked a song with a hashtag in the title?? I just…I can’t… WHY?? Well, where do I start with this? I didn’t like it, that’s a simple opinion. Again, Judith looks like she lost a bet with the wardrobe people. She’s so pretty but it does look like CeeLo dressed her this week. The horn section was a nice touch, although I really couldn’t understand half the lyrics she was singing – just the occasional screamed “POWER.” 

Holly Tucker

A rock country song?!? How only semi-predictable. Mostly, I just had my eyes on my boy Brock Baker singing back-up. Good on her for working on her education while doing the show too. So I FINALLY figured out who Holly reminds me of, country Debbie Ryan. So she sang that like I’d imagine Debbie Ryan would sing it.
“I know you ain’t talkin’ to me Jimmy Neutron!”

The Swon Brothers

The only boys left on The Voice, the beat Josiah guys (examine your life choices people ;D). If nothing else this duo has improved vocally and instrumentally since they arrived at The Voice. That improvement have given them the confidence to start this performance a cappella but they sounded a little off in the beginning. But they recovered and it was very cool overall.

Sasha Allen

Hehehehe Sasha is singing an Usher song. If Lea Michele can sing this song, Sasha definitely can! Apparently it is Disco influence night on The Voice as well, so many neon lights and giant hair styles! The whole thing did sound a bit forced and super emotional to the point it make her go sharp I think.


Sarah Simmonds

I don’t know what to make of this song choice… it’s just…nope. The growling screeches, the forced pain, this song was GONE, so 2012, why couldn’t we have left it there?!?!?!?

Michelle Chamuel

Bruno Mars *shudder* if anyone could make me love it though, Michelle could.  The staging of this number is BRILLIANT and the stripped down arrangement is super cool, haunting and powerful at the same time. 4 for you voters for keeping her in this long!

Danielle Bradbury

How PICKS THESE SONGS TONIGHT?!? Well Danielle, welcome to sympathy vote territory… WHEN did they have the time to erect a HOUSE on the stage?? Well she sang it okay but I was drifting in and out of paying attention, that’s not good right? Overall, meh

Amber Carrington

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Oops I forgot about her… “Here’s a little song called ‘Skyfall’” right Adam. I think the girl bite off more than she can chew with this song. Well she did better than I thought she was going to do, belted without overdoing it too. 
All I ask is that Danielle and Holly go home, please and thanks.

Erika’s Take: 

Team Adam: Judith Hill is the first angel up! She picked “#that.power” by…I groan with this song choice….I hate this song so unless she makes it so much better, I am concerned. Judith gives it a soul/funk spin to it.  Gotta say, I liked it. It was funky in all the right ways. She gave it the right kind of energy. I might have to download it because it trumps the Biebs version! Get it, Judith! She’s showing personality and I love it!
Team Blake: Holly Tucker is up for the country crew and she picks the Band Perry’s “Done”. I might be slightly impressed since I like the Band Perry so I might not be bored by Holly tonight. As long as she isn’t bland and actually has to show range with her vocals. Holly brought the right ‘tude and fire for that song. I’m impressed. I was totally prepared to be bored tonight by her. She did hit a weird note at the end but other than that, she did pretty great. She might be worthy of a save this week.
Filler perfomance: Adam’s Angels’ Judith Hill and Sarah Simmons join up with Sasha Allen and Michelle Chamuel to perform “Diamonds” by Rihanna. Interesting pairing but it works. Each of the ladies do it better than the original artist. I love their voices. Michelle stands out to me as she’s the only one that doesn’t try to DIVA it like the rest of them. Overall, I LOVED IT. Can I download this?
Team Blake: The Swon Brothers are next and they are given “Seven Bridges” by the Eagles. I might appreciate this as I love the Eagles. Unfortunately, they sounded completely off and flat throughout their performance. The fire on the stage was distracting to me and I just really did not like that. They are so much better than this. This is going to hurt them, I think. Adam kinda mentioned it in his critique but then quickly apologized for doing so but he was right. These boys are in danger.
Team Shakira: Sasha Allen is up as she is given “Without You” by David Guetta and Usher. I think she will do well with as it kinda caters to her range. I hope she does as she is the last one left on Shaki’s team. Right off the bat, she brings the passion and fire to the song. I’m loving it so far….then she hits the high note….it sounds a bit forced to me and a bit Broadway-ish. I hope she fixes that before the song is over. She doesn’t but it is still great performance as she is really selling her performance. Hopefully she sticks around as Shakira can still do amazing things with her.
Team Adam: Sarah Simmons is up, and Adam gives her the Goyte mega hit “Somebody That I Used To Know”. She better get angry with this song because this is the ultimate I’m-pissed-the-hell-off song. Oooh….she sounds like Kimbra….well then! Oh yes! She gets angry! I LOVE IT! Rage on, my sister! Remind me not to cross her. I was SKKURRRED! Get it, girl and rage on for all those who have played us! She has such the perfect grit for it. Her textured voice was perfect for it.
Filler performance: The country crew and Adam’s Angel Amber Carrington take on Sugarland’s “Something More”. I was praying for them not butcher the song. Tarra, on the other hand, wasn’t even paying attention LOL. They did a decent job, with Amber being the stand out for me as her voice has more texture to it than the others.
Team Usher: Michelle Chamuel, my fave, is up! I love how Usher picks “Grenade” for her. It’s going to be awesome for her as this song can be emotional if she delivers it right. She’s so unique! Usher strips the song of the other fuss. I just love how Michelle puts everything her performances. She lays it all bare! Her and the piano. No fuss. Hands down the performance of the night! Nice touch at the end by adding the violins and the back up singers! How do you follow that? She shut it down! So proud of her! Yes I’m gushing! She owned that song and performance! And she’s so humble about it all too!
Team Blake: Danielle Bradbery is the last of the country crew, and Blake gives her a song about grandfathers since she never knew her grandfathers. I really hate that they are trying to go with sympathy votes with her. That might be snarky of me to say but I am over it. That being said, she sings the song lovely but I’m bored with her voice by now as she sounds the same with every song she says. Nothing changes with her. I’m still waiting to be shocked by her vocals. Next please!
Team Adam: Amber Carrington is last for the Angels, and Adam gives her a doozy to sing: “Skyfall” by Adele. Yikes. So many expectations with this song. She might be in trouble. Right of the bat, she sets the tone. She has the right dramatic sound for this song. Damn…she is crushing it. Not worried anymore. I’m so glad Adam likes to challenge her and get her away from country. She hits all the right notes and was flawless. Get it, girl. And she looked amazing! Adele would be proud.
Judith’s hair…OMG…what in the world…did Sanjaya do her hair?
Carson going back and forth with Usher about their looks. 
Usher calling Carson Jimmy Neutron and Carson calling Usher Urkel LOL
Adam telling Carson that he just got served and Carson saying Adam was next! LOL
Join Tarra tomorrow as she recaps the results! 

Tarra side note: 

Fantasy team points update:
Team Erika: 42 with all members still on there.
Team Tarra: 35 with 3 members left.
Team Bec: 34 with  4 members left.

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