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Trouble Down Under: Amber Heard Charged By Australian Officials Over Illegal Dogs

Charges have been pressed against Amber Heard for the illegal importation of her two dogs into Australia, and the sentences could lead to jail time.

Charges have been pressed against Amber Heard for the illegal importation of her two dogs into Australia, and the sentences could lead to jail time.

After getting in trouble with the Australian authorities back in May over the issue, actress Amber Heard, who is married to Johnny Depp, has now been officially charged with two counts of illegally bringing the couple’s two pet Yorkshire terriers Pistol and Boo into the country.

She has additionally been charged with one count of producing a false document.

The two pets were not taken through customs when the couple travelled to Queensland via private jet, nor did they undergo the country’s required, and strictly adhered to policy of a 10-day quarantine.

The couple were given a deadline to remove their pets from the country, which they did just prior to said deadline lapsing. Had they not done so, the terriers would have been put down.

The Australian authorities are very strict when it comes to what can and cannot come through customs and into the country. It is also important having the correct documentation for certain items, as well as animals (if you’ve ever seen Border Security: Australia’s Front Line, you’ll know what I mean). As Barnaby Joyce, the Australian Agricultural Minister said at a press conference that 

“Australians are deadly serious about their bio-security protocols.”

Should Heard be found guilty over illegally importing the two dogs, she faces up to 10 years in jail and a $75,000 fine. A guilty verdict against her for the false document charge means she could face 12 months in prison and a $7,500 fine.

Do you think she’ll be found guilty? Were the authorities too harsh when they threatened to put down the pets? Comment below and let us know!

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