Having first come to considerable attention as the front-woman of indie rock outfit High Waisted, Jessica Louise Dye continues to impress and showcase her talent by blazing her own trail and carving her own path as Hello Lightfoot. As an artist who gives pop an at-times much needed powerful punch, she’s a master at creating catchy hooks that convey several deeply complex but ultimately human emotions, and perhaps nowhere is this more evident than on her latest single “Shame”, the video for which PopWrapped are delighted to premiere.
The video finds Hello Lightfoot filtered through fuzzy graphics and collage-esque twists; incredibly appropriate given the edginess and constantly shifting dynamic of the track itself. It’s a song that that gives Hello Lightfoot’s work a truly three-dimensional flavor, and serves as a strong introduction to those as yet unfamiliar with her work.
Asked what her vision was when it came to creating the video, Lightfoot shares: “I was heavily inspired by dystopian futures and cyberpunk. I wanted the video to be both beautiful and entrancing, like a siren calling to sailors while still disturbing and anxious. The visuals act as a reflection of my own fears. The through line of constantly running represents my own action of feeling chased by bad decisions, mistakes and my past.”
She adds of the look(s) she wanted to portray and pay homage to: “For the styling I looked to the cinematic universe of films like Blade Runner, Johnny Mnemonic, and Ghost in a Shell. I pulled heavily from tech wear, mixing in neon accents and kawaii hair styling. I shot the video myself around NYC. I enjoyed being so hands on with the process. I also love any excuse to use NYC as a backdrop or in this case, a co-star of the video.”
As for the song itself, she concludes: “This song isn’t truly about shame. It’s about the collection of emotions that follow. I try to touch on feelings of distress, mistrust, powerlessness, and feeling worthless. Through the writing process of this song, I was able to process some of my own fears about the future.”
Check out the video for “Shame” above and for more information on Hello Lightfoot, follow her on Twitter and Instagram.