
Is that the TARDIS in the newly discovered Van Gogh?



Morgaine Craven
Staff Writer

The Doctor is real. The TARDIS is real. The Doctor really did go hang out with Vincent Van Gogh, and he left such a lasting impression that Van Gogh included him in his art.

Okay, maybe not (as much as we may wish it otherwise!) but a newly discovered painting by the famous Dutch artist has certainly got Whovians talking, according to the CBC.

The recently revealed Sunset at Montmajour painting depicts a rolling green landscape, cloudy skies, and, tantalizingly, a small blue box painted in the top left hand corner. Could it be a building? Possibly. Does it look like our favourite blue time-travelling space box disguised as a British police phone booth? Doctor Who fans seem to think so. After the painting’s reveal on Monday (9 September), 120 years after Van Gogh’s death, Whovians took to social media to announce that they had discovered the big blue box in the painting.

A TARDIS painted into a Van Gogh would even be canon. The 11th Doctor visited Van Gogh with Amy Pond in an episode called “Vincent and the Doctor”in season five, an episode that is touching, tearful and memorable.

Sunset at Montmajour is dated at being from the year 1888, what many experts consider a high point in Van Gogh’s career (the year that Sunflowers was painted… and yes, Whovians, that means that he painted this piece AFTER the Doctor and Amy visited him).

We only hope that if the Doctor is real, and that this really is the TARDIS in the painting, that they took Van Gogh to see the Sunset at Montmajour when they brought him to the future to see how well his art was loved and appreciated.

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And yes, it could be a blue building… but we all know what it really is.

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