
Pop10 Supergirl Episodes Of Season One

To celebrate the Season 2 premiere of the CW’s Supergirl, we’re bringing you our 10 favorite episodes from the pilot season!

To celebrate the Season 2 premiere of the CW's Supergirl, we're bringing you our 10 favorite episodes from the pilot season!

It’s finally here! Season 2 of the CW’s Supergirl premieres tonight, and our resident PopWrapped Karaphiles couldn’t be more excited! As we wait (rather impatiently) for tonight’s episode, we decided to put together a list of our favorite Supergirl episodes from the show’s pilot season! So suit up and strap in as we take you on a stroll down memory lane (needless to say, the spoiler alert is implied).

“Human For A Day” (01×07)

What’s worse than being a hero who’s unable to help people? Once again, this was an episode that saw Kara making some tough decisions and struggling with her abilities (or lack thereof). What made this episode special, though, was watching other characters, especially Cat, step up and defend their city for themselves. (Note: I don’t really want to talk about Jemm, because he still freaks me out, tbh.)

The Source

“Blood Bonds” (01×09)

There were a lot of things to like about this episode — the deeper look into the world of Maxwell Lord, the DEO struggle with morality as applied to aliens (and, may I say for Karaphiles everywhere, “Screw you, General Lane!”) — but, to be perfectly honest, this episode makes the list because of one person — Cat! This episode saw Cat figuring out Kara’s secret and trying like mad to get her to admit it. The fact that this led to a Parent Trap-esque scheme, complete with Hank posing as Supergirl, made this one memorable in my book!


“Childish Things” (01×10)

Alternate Title Suggestion: “Enter Winn.” After serving largely as a side character for the first half of the season, we finally got our first glimpse into Winn’s background and the things in his past which make him more than just the comic relief. Now, as a major Winn fan, watching him struggle throughout this episode with his father’s legacy was especially challenging. It was worth it, though, if only to add a layer of complexity to an already lovable character. Also, Papa Winn was uber-creepy!

Entertainment Weekly

“Bizarro” (01×12)

This was another episode that brought morality into question, which proved that Supergirl was on its way to finding its sweet spot. For Maxwell Lord — who seems to constantly teeter between friend and foe — this was definitely one of his darker moments. I think what drew me to this episode the most, however, was Bizarro’s struggle with her own humanity. And, of course, this episode gets points for James finally admitting his love for Kara!

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Supergirl Wikia

“For The Girl Who Has Everything” (01×13)

This spin on the original Superman storyline of similar title took our hearts, stomped on them for the better part of an hour, then handed them back — leaving us to deal with our feels on our own time. There’s not much to say other than that watching Kara live the life she’d always wanted, then being forced to watch her family die again, broke our hearts in more place than one. The only solace in all this pain was ending on the bond of the Danvers sisters — one of the best parts of this show as a whole.


“Solitude” (01×15)

All right, this episode would have made the list alone for it’s addition of Laura Vandervoort (aka Smallville‘s Supergirl) as Brainiac, but it had a ton of other things going for it as well. This episode saw the team split in two, thanks largely to Kara’s continued (and wholly unfounded) animosity towards Hank. Thankfully, Alex finally came clean about her part in Astra’s death and all was right with world … temporarily.


“Falling” (01×16)

Whoa, this episode was a wild ride, progressing quickly from laughable bluntness to dangerous apathy. Despite that, though, Dark Kara was incredibly fun to watch. Hearing such hateful things come out of such a lovable character was simultaneously hilarious and saddening. And, once again, Maxwell Lord toed the line between villain and ally. I’m still not sure how to feel about that guy. That being said, I wouldn’t mind seeing more of Dark Kara … kidding … mostly.

Heroic Hollywood

“Manhunter” (01×17)

I’m a natural sucker for a flashback episode, so this episode made me very happy! Not only did we get our first glimpse into the life of Martian Manhunter, but we also got a small taste of the Danvers Sister: The Early Years. The downside to this episode, though, was definitely seeing J’onn and Alex go on the run, effectively separating Kara from her makeshift family, right before some crazy crap started taking place in National City. Isn’t that always the way?


“World’s Finest” (01×18)

What can I say about this unconventional crossover episode that hasn’t already been said? There was so much to love about watching Kara and The Flash‘s Barry Allen interact. Both heroes possess a certain conflicted innocence that makes watching them constantly poke at your feels. Putting them together in one adorably lighthearted episode and juxtaposing their two similar experiences was a stroke of genius — not to mention, watching Winn geek out over Barry was hilarious.


“Myriad” (01×19)

Although these episodes are listed in no particular order, this episode was definitely up there as one of the best of the season. Watching Kara struggle without the help of her wingmen, her sister, or her cousin was amazing (and terrible … obviously). The best (and most heart-wrenching) moment of the episode, though, had to be watching Kara make the choice to save her friends, leaving an innocent to die. All of this, coupled with the fall of J’onn and the battle between sisters, made for an amazing show!


And that wraps up our Pop10 list! You wouldn’t believe how difficult it was to narrow it down. Did your favorite make the list? If not, tweet us your favorite and your predictions for this season! And be sure to stay tuned for tonight’s recap!

Until later, Karaphiles, stay super!

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