
PopWrapped Presents: The Weekly Happynings, Where Happy News Reigns Supreme

The first installment of our weekly newsletter, “The Weekly Happynings,” will leave you with warm fuzzy feelings, as it’s happy news only that awaits you!

The first installment of our weekly newsletter, "The Weekly Happynings," will leave you with warm fuzzy feelings, as it's happy news only that awaits you!

There is a universal law that we internet users have accepted as fact: A lot of the world sucks, hard, and you must be prepared to feel the weight of humanity on your shoulders to enjoy the web.

Be it misogyny, discrimination, genocide, racism, any myriad of “phobias,” natural disasters, sexual and/or child abuse, or war and all of its byproducts; you name it, the internet is teeming with it. One could quite easily turn into a bitter and cynical shell of their former, shiny self spending any amount of time online.

After lamenting over this bad-news-heavy world we live in with some of my lovely and not-at-all terrible staff, we decided it was time to start a good news revolution. Thus the “Weekly Happynings” (yes, we meant to spell it that way) was born.

The Weekly Happynings is a newsletter that will highlight ONLY happy news from week(s) before. This is not an attempt to gloss over the bad news, as we will still report all of that as normal. This is simply meant to be a one-stop-shop of happy news to try and balance out the bad. Need a pick-me-up? We’ve undoubtedly got it. Need a good, happy cry? You’ve come to the right place! We will include a photo from the piece, the headline hyper-linked back, and a small blurb summarizing what the piece is about; along with some other fun treats mixed in.

It’s an endeavor near and dear to our hearts, and we hope you enjoy it. We have certainly enjoyed compiling it.

Woman’s Suffrage Ratification Celebrates 95th Anniversary

95 years ago, the Nineteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution was ratified, granting women the right to vote. For 70 years, woman suffragists battled for the right(s) that we all enjoy today.

Marvel’s Newest Superheroes Are A Little Girl and a Dinosaur

Titled Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur the ongoing series is, in part, inspired by Jack Kirby’s Devil Dinosaur published by Marvel in 1978.

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New Horizons Spacecraft Shows Us Pluto Up Close

As space-lovers everywhere continue to ponder the mysteries of the skies and our solar system, today (July 14), NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft provided the first in-detail image of Pluto.

Teen With Down Syndrome Walks The Runway At NYFW

Not long ago, 18 year-old Madeline Stuart, an inspiring teenager with down syndrome, set her sights on becoming a model. She made it happen.

Liverpool Teacher Shares Touching Note From LGBT Student

A teacher in Liverpool, England shared a touching letter she received after inspiring one of her students to come out.

Two Women Become First To Graduate Army Ranger School

As more and more women continue to prove themselves to be just as ambitious and strong as men, two in particular are about to make history as the first females to graduate from the Army’s grueling and exhausting Ranger School.

Phoenix Judge Rules All Dogs in Pet Stores To Come From Shelters

Last week a federal judge mandated a city law that will now require all pet stores in Phoenix, AZ to stock only dogs from shelters, putting an end to “puppy mills” and the over breeding of puppies for pet stores.

Squeee: Bambi Plays With Thumper In Real Life Disney Recreation

Take a cute baby deer and have it do adorable things with the fluffiest little rabbit ever, and you’re bound to squeal yourself into a happy fit.

Marvel At Nature’s Magic: Watch The Perseids Meteor Shower

NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory predicts that, for those under ideal observing conditions (clear dark skies with no interference from city lights), this year’s Perseid meteor shower could spawn up to 100 meteors per hour.

London Zoo Welcomes A Sleepy Baby Sloth

If you find yourself in London this summer, make sure you get to London Zoo so that you may get a glimpse of the precious baby sloth Edward!

Stuntman Robbie Maddison Rides Waves On A Dirtbike

Seeing someone ride the waves on a surfboard is nothing new, but seeing someone cruising along on a dirt bike, in the ocean, riding waves? Okay, that’s new. 

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Repurposed Cabins Inspire Whimsical Dr. Seuss Fantasies

Dan Pauly and his company, The Rustic Way, design and construct small buildings that could be from the pages of a Dr. Seuss book.

Greg Meredith Risks Financial Ruin To Care For Military Dogs

When twelve canine veterans came home after serving in the United States armed forces, they were left in limbo with no one to care for them. A kennel owner stepped up and chose to take them under his wing.

Boy’s Love Of Books Inspires Generosity From Around The World

12-year-old Matthew Flores of Sandy, Utah was in that unfortunate situation until an unlikely hero stepped in to give the boy’s story a happy ending.

Prince Harry Takes Action Against Poachers

Poachers have been all over the news recently, with Cecil the lion highlighting the issue to a wider audience. And now Prince Harry has joined the fight in South Africa.

4 Miles Of Sunflowers Planted In Memory Of Wife & Mother

Don Jaquish has planted four miles of sunflowers in honour of his late wife, Babbette.

DC Comics Super Hero Cafe Now Selling Batman Burger

The DC Comics Super Hero Cafe, a chain officially licensed by DC Comics in Asia, has debuted their newest burger – the Dark Knight Mini Wagyu Beef Burger.

Stuck Comic Writer Gets A Twitter Rescue

On Tuesday (August 18), Ryan North decided to go for a walk with his dog, Chompsky. At one point it started to rain, and later he climbed into a skate bowl to get (an admittedly cool) picture of Chompsky. He got stuck, and Twitter surprised everyone by actually being helpful.

The Silver Linings section is a place for optimists; where we try to appreciate incredibly moving and amazing things that never would have been without the tragedies that spawned them. That’s the thing about silver linings. For them to even exist, there must first be darkness. But from darkness comes light, and from light comes goodness. We would all do well to remember that.

HONY Helps Raise $2 Million To Combat Bonded Labor In Pakistan

Silver Lining: The woman pictured above, Syeda Ghulam Fatima, has been fighting bonded labor in Pakistan brick kilns for years, and has been beaten and harassed multiple times for her efforts. The Humans of New York blog did a 7-series feature on Fatima and her efforts, and HIS efforts inspired the world to donate more than $2 million dollars in a country where the dollar is worth 5X more. It will change their lives. Further proving how art truly can be transformative.

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400-Year-Old Bonsai Tree Has Endured An Atomic Blast

Silver lining:  This bonsai tree lived through an atomic blast. This tree also just-so-happens to be 400 years. Bonsai: 1, atomic blast: 0.

Fans Honor Robin Williams Through Art On Anniversary Of His Death

Silver Lining: Never in a million years will it be okay that Robin Williams is gone. However, when creative people mourn, they find solace in creating some truly beautiful art. Robin’s tributes are especially moving.

Jon Stewart’s First Move After Retirement Is Predictably Adorable

Silver Lining: It’s almost gag-worthy. He and his wife open a sanctuary for rescued animals?! Like, STAHP, JON. We already know you’re perfect. Oh, and Tracey? Luckiest woman alive, and also incredibly lovely, kind and generous. Ugh. So cute.

Hackers Start Releasing Data After Infiltrating Cheating Website

Silver Lining: Cheaters never prosper, and the dark internet just proved that. Yeah, it sucks that your personal information was invaded, but karma has a way of worming its way in. 

Obligatory videos of animals and babies doing cute things section


I hope you have enjoyed our very first Weekly Happynings newsletter. Be sure and check back every Friday for more happy news!

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