The Top 12 Hit The Stage On The Voice: Who Bombed and Who Scored?



Bec Heim


Tarra Matthews


Erika Rivera

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Welcome back to the second week of Live Rounds on for The Voice. The coaches have used their final saves and now we have the power.

Don’t let it go to your head America.

But if you are letting it go to your head, we’re campaigning for the removal of the generic country artists from Team Blake! The reign of Blake is over! A new coach must claim the title!

With that said, let’s get this thing started!

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Bec’s Take: 

Wow Shakira’s jacket is sparkly.

Blake made a pained noise. He knows two of his team is going home. Aww the poor audience stuck in the hot hot room. Heh. Carson said that if they hit a certain temperature the lights would go out.

Poor Usher. He’s wearing all black. Blake also is wearing a suits jacket. Carson is wearing an all black suit too. Bad day for the air conditioning to crap out. 

“Rock With You” sung by Vedo: Usher has his choreographer helping this week with the dancing.  Usher continues to be adorable as he teaches Vedo how to croon a little bit. This seems more Vedo’s alley than Phil Collins.  Dude is Vedo wearing leather?!?! He must dying in there! However, this really does fit his wheelhouse more. He gets some good glory notes. I’m kind of grooving along with it. Is this how the song is supposed to be sung? Because I kind of love it. It was a fun performance to watch. So good job Vedo. Someone get Vedo an ice bath! Shakira really liked it and Vedo as a person. Blake thought the dancing added to it. Usher really enjoyed it. I liked it. But it wasn’t really a wow performance.

Okay this show will also be called “How Many Times Carson Can Work Awkward Heat/Hot Puns Until the Air Comes Back On/The Show Ends”. 

“Broken Wing” sung by Holly Tucker: Holly recorded a CD at fourteen. She also become apart of a student run record label. Oh great another country song. Look I get it. Country yaaay but give them something else? Country artists do do covers of other songs. I am so tired of this generic country crap Blake is trying to sell us this season. It is definitely Blake’s time to lose. Sorry Blake, love you but you made stupid choices this season and went so…generic with everything. Holly is also having some issues with her control in the performance. A good note, this was at the end. But..not interesting. Usher liked it and reminded her she deserves to be here. Shakira also liked it. Adam was surprised how calm she was. Blake thinks Martina McBride is proud.

Oh please let the AC work. I did recognize Adam’s tattoos Carson.

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 “I Want It That Way” sung by Garrett Gardner: Garrett was the weird kid who played the guitar. Now I love covers of boy bands songs that switch things up. So willing to give it a chance. Why do these people want the artists to be hot? I…I don’t…No. Honey. No. Oh wait. It got better. But it’s not amazing. I’m with Adam. Not my favorite choice. No one really liked it but they’re trying to make him feel better. However, it was more creative than most of Team Blake. Well Shakira if it wasn’t easy than don’t give him this song to change around in like a week!!

USHER IN A TANK TOP!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!! Oh God the arms…hello gorgeous.

Now Adam and Usher shirtless..damn. The air is back on. I was hoping for shirtless performing Josiah Hawley.

“The Story” sung by Sarah Simmons: Really? Alternative? Sarah has had a colorful past. She needs to scream once on this song. She wants to show off her power and grit. She hopes to chase her dream. I want her to stay over Judith Hill. Oh hello Sarah’s gritty voice. I like you. That scream was very pretty. And I like how it went right back to something softer. She needs a better wardrobe person though. Blake is out of his suit jacket and really likes the song. Shakira thought it showcased her vocal abilities. Adam says it’s hard to do what she does and likes her diversity in her voice with her range.

Sung by The Swon Brothers: I miss Midas Whale. Yeah they had bad week. But they were still insanely creative and charismatic over The Swon Brothers. Blake…stop lying your team is not diverse. They are doing something raw and acoustic. Wasn’t last week acoustic? Ooooh showing acoustic? Because Colton is not the best singer. Yeah. It’s more generic crap. Also really? George Jones died two weeks ago guys. My country loving friend is pissed again because it’s more generic stuff. I agree. I bet George Jones did it better. But they may get saved for sentimental reasons. Colton is still the weakest link. Usher thought it was diversified for them. Adam thought it was good. Blake loved it and thought it was a good way to honor The Possum. I still didn’t like it. Sorry. I understand the reasons WHY people would like it. Doesn’t mean that I do. 

Aww Usher has his clothes back on. I’m sad now.

“Alone” sung by Sasha Allen: Sasha used to be in Hair and is too Broadway. Shakira explains the difference between Broadway and pop. Shakira wants a more modern performance out of her. It has a weakish start. Also it still sounds really Broadway too me. I mean it’s pretty. It sounds really Broadway. She did learn how to connect more thanks to Shakira. So I liked it a lot. Adam thought it was amazing. Usher thought she went theatrical in a good way and that it was good. Shakira wants America to vote for her song and bribes with a song called “My Sasha”.  

“The Man Who Can’t Be Moved” sung by Josiah Hawley: Usher thinks he has ability to steal the day by being intimate. I loved Josiah’s relationship with his Mom and his old long hair. Also I despair that we aren’t getting shirtless!Josiah. Oh my…Josiah…take me. It’s gorgeous. Quiet and intimate and very very pretty. It was amazing. Really amazing. I agree with Adam Josiah found his place tonight. Blake says Josiah and Usher makes sense. AMERICA GODDAMMIT SAVE HIM. Usher thought that it shows Josiah’s many levels. Usher thanks Adam for not taking Josiah so Usher could take him. 

“Wasted” sung by Danielle Bradbery: Blake gives her a song that is a little too old for her. He wants to test her technical limits. …Yeah. A little too old, and really generic country. OhmyGod! VOTE OFF TEAM BLAKE! I can’t handle all this generic country. She has no life experience to back it up. It can be technically perfect but it just sounds like good karaoke without something to back it up! Shakira compares her to Margaret Thatcher for some reason. Adam thinks she is the one to beat.

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“You’ve Got a Friend” sung by Judith Hill: Adam finally brings up the issue Judith has with connecting to the audience. Judith talks about how hard it was growing up biracial and how lonely it was. She wants to do well because it’s hard for an aspiring artist. It was…intimate. And I honestly think she did try to connect. It was pretty but still felt a little studied? I don’t know. Oh God coaches stop tongue bathing her. Please. Stop. Begging you here. Sigh.

“Call Your Girlfriend” sung by Michelle Chamuel: YES! MICHELLE! I love how dorky and sweet Michelle is. Michelle has issues with stage fright that she is overcoming. She needs to be more open with her movement. Oh this is definitely her wheelhouse. I just love her charisma and stage presence. She is so sweet and adorable. I love her raspy fun voice. Shakira says she learned how to dance and sing at the same time. Michelle is absolute perfection. Adam loves her. I love her too, Adam! Usher utterly adores her and is so sweet.

This is going to be hard to follow.

“I’ll Be There” sung by Kris Thomas: He was about to join the Navy before getting the call. Oh hi there more falsetto. It’s nice though. He definitely has a good solid full voice. It’s a solid performance. Just feels a bit lackluster after Michelle’s. Plus the last high note was…eh? It was really pretty though. Adam thought that he took the song to task. Blake feels like he chooses songs that push him to the extreme and proves himself. Usher liked it as well but felt it shifted a lot. Naturally Shakira loved him.

“I’m Gonna Love You Through It” sung by Amber Carrington: Another Martina McBride song. She feels like it is her story. She wants to take the experiences and make them positive. She dedicates this to her mom. I like her Martina McBride song more than Holly’s. There was a lot of emotional depth. Plus it was really pretty and had some awesome soaring notes. Blake is pissed that Adam has the country artist with more depth and versatility. Usher is really impressed with her. Shakira really loved it. Adam is very impressed with her and sounds a little choked up. 

Tarra’s Take:

Finally it is time for Blake’s team to go down in FLAMES!!!!!!  They could almost all be gone tomorrow, hmmmm Also, Adam’s Angels may be in trouble… But I hope the performances are has HOTT as the air in the room right now. And Blake’s opening comments, 180 degree switch from last week’s thoughts

Vedo: I’m glad America saved Vedo because I think it will humble him a bit. An MJ track, as ‘untouchable’ as they should be, is a good fit for the tone of his voice. He also has the ‘performer’ advantage that helps offset the fact his voice isn’t the strongest on the show but he can get the crowd excited with his moves.

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Holly: HELLLLLOOOOOOO Country Bumpkin, I am so excited to here you belt out ‘Broken Wing’. She looked great and for the most part, sang it well, except for the parts that were sharp.

Garrett: If he HADN’T had been saved, geez there wouldn’t have been a show this week. And a BSB song?? WHATERUDOIN?!?!?!? Despite the gimmicky nature of this song choice Garrett did a good job with it and I really liked this version. Now let’s never screw with his badass-ness…

Sarah: If last week was the week of predictable, obnoxious song choices, this week is the week of originality and showing a cool side to people. I’ve never really liked Sarah but I liked her version of ‘The Story.” Her gritty rocker voice is awesome and unexpected given her look. Plus is looked gorgeous!

The Swon Brothers: The longest running duo ever on The Voice. And this week they proved that they deserve to be there more than ever. The staging of the number, the arrangement, the passion… all-amazing. I’ll be downloading it FOR SURE!!

Sasha: UGH NO NOT ALONE, NEVER ALONE. WHY??? I don’t think she got rid of all the Broadway in her voice, or her face. Her emoting was crazy over the top and the minimal backing just made her voice louder and more obnoxious to me.

Josiah: He is doing The Script and I’m lying here in a puddle on my couch. One note, SLOW THE HECK DOWN!!!!! It sounds like someone hit 1.5x speed on the track and he’s trying to catch up. It was nice to see Josiah just sit there and play the guitar. Well-done dude.

Danielle: I’m sorry but she kind of sounds like all other country pop artist but I still don’t believe that she’s only preformed like half a dozen times… My mom has it nailed, a couple big moments but the rest was boring.

Judith: I’m pretty sure Alicia Keys will want her look back but besides that she’s just amazing. I have literally nothing bad to say.

Michelle: Watching her discover new music and working on it with Usher is all kinds of inspiring. And I LOVE this performance!! It’s like I forgot I was watching the Voice, so different and so funky.

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Kris Thomas: His baby face and his voice are perfect for a Jackson 5 song. I’m beginning to like him more but it was slow tempo wise…

Amber: Oh crap, this song is her life story so it’s going to tug on all the heart strings… and my mother is crying already. She did an amazing job with the song and showed variety and range in the performance.

Erika’s Take:

Team Usher: Vedo is up first! He picks “Rock With You” by Michael Jackson. Usher brings in his choreographer to help Vedo out with his performance. Vedo starts off strong but begins to run out breath on some parts of the song. He starts to falter towards the end. And as far the choreographer’s help, I don’t see it because the moves were blah and added nothing to the performance. I don’t know if the AC being out affected his voice so I might let that slide but he definitely needs to find his WOW moment soon or else he won’t make it pass tonight.

Team Blake: Holly Tucker is up first for the country crew. Still holding a grudge against her. I try not to but can’t help it. She picks “Broken Wing” by Martina McBride. She starts off with control issues with her voice. It was kinda like she was trying too hard at first but then she got it together towards the end. It was a hell of note that she hit at the end which probably bowled the judges over. They all gushed about it. I’m just kinda over her confidence struggle story because she tries to convey with her performance and fails though to give any passion with her emotional songs.

Team Shakira: Garrett Gardner is first! Shakira picks “I Want It That Way” by the Backstreet Boys. I’m actually excited since this will be a new spin on it! Love me some BSB! Whoa! Garrett has some edge in his voice and that growl works so well for him. I’m digging it! The other judges weren’t too crazy about it but I think this risk will pay off since it was a different version. I loved that Shakira was rocking out to it! I hope he makes it through.

Team Adam: Sarah Simmons, the last minute save, is up first! He gives her “The Story” by Brandi Carlisle. I just love this song! Especially when Sara Ramirez did it for Grey’s Anatomy. I hope Sarah can live up to my expectations for her. This song is so made for her! As long as she doesn’t oversing it. Getting chills right now…her growls are giving me the life right now….she did that song justice…just love it…her voice gave all the ranges needed for that song. Just wonderful!

Team Blake: The Swon Brothers is up next for the country crew! “Who’s Gonna Fill Their Shoes” by George Jones is their choice as a tribute to the legend who just passed recently. Wow…I’m impressed as it is different with one brother playing on the piano. It’s completely stripped down and full of emotions. The bros stayed in sync the whole time. I actually got chills as they showed a different layer to them. Definitely made them stand out for me tonight!

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Team Shakira: Sasha Allen is next to rep Shakira. She picks “Alone” by Heart. Shakira tells her that she needs to lose the broadway voice in order to make it. Good advice I think. I love this song. I hope homegirl kills it. Sasha…OMG…so much emotion….I got chills…OMG…I just wow….Sasha just raised the bar up high…how do you follow after that high note? Just wow…Adam, you’re still a jackass for passing her up…sorry guy!

Team Usher: Josiah “Pretty Boy” Hawley is up! “The Man That Can’t Be Moved” by the Script will be his song to mess up or crush. Pretty decently sounding from him. Definitely one of his better performances. Definitely has found his groove. I hope by picking that song he will get votes but other than that, it’s still kinda a meh performance as I wasn’t wowed just yet. Jury is still out on Josiah from me.

Team Blake: Danielle Bradbery is the last of the country crew. Blake picks “Wasted” by Carrie Underwood. I hope she does something different with this because I will be bored otherwise. I can only take so much country…that was lovely but she didn’t hit a hell of note like Holly did earlier. The difference is quite striking. If America is smart, they will pick Holly over her. I don’t think she’s the one to beat though. They are being far too kind. That was completely generic.

Team Adam: Judith Hill is up and she picks “You Got A Friend” by Carole King. She brings her own arrangement to the table. I’m intrigued. Let’s see if the diva raises the stakes here. Well I’ll be…she’s playing the piano…no help. And the chills just started for me…just love her! She just shut it down…hot damn….just give her the prize…maybe…but she’s definitely a frontrunner and is the one to beat! Just raw talent!

Team Usher: My fave in the competition, Michelle Chamuel, is finally up! They always save the best for last on Team Usher!  Usher picks “Call Your Girlfriend” by Robyn and I’m in love because I just love that song and it’s so her! I just love her voice! She is killing it! And hitting all the right notes! So much energy! Adam loves her and I do too! She keeps growing leaps and bounds. Just perfection! Can we end the show on that high? No one can touch Michelle’s light and energy! 

Team Shakira: Kris Thomas is last to perform! Shakira picks “I’ll Be There” by the Jackson 5. If he doesn’t cry or strain his voice, I think he will be okay. Still not a fan of his. He does do this song justice though. Doesn’t butcher it at all which is great. I was worried a bit since I adore this song. He hit all the ranges that Michael hit as a child so kudos to him. We shall see if he makes it through tomorrow night. 

Team Adam: Amber Carrington is closing out the show. She picks “I’m Gonna Love You Throught It” by Martina McBride. I might cry. She’s dedicating it to her late mom. Ugh…so many feels right now…it was quite the performance with so many emotions conveyed in that song. She is so powerful with her voice. I see her making it through tomorrow night. Well done.


Adam complimenting Josiah on his clothes LOL

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Blake and Usher’s little bromance

Adam and Shakira’s flirty banter

Adam and Blake trading more jabs LOL

Join us tomorrow as we find out who gets eliminated!

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