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Fox Consumer products is teaming up with multiple companies to provide Buffy The Vampire Slayer fans with new merchandise for its 20th anniversary.


Buffy The Vampire Slayer Gets New Merchandise For Its 20th Anniversary

Fox Consumer products is teaming up with multiple companies to provide Buffy The Vampire Slayer fans with new merchandise for its 20th anniversary.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer — for those of you who don’t know the name, you are either a pop-culture recluse or in desperate need of some supernatural goodness in your existence. The cult classic series (helmed by Joss Whedon and starring the talented Sarah Michelle Gellar) will come up on its 20th anniversary on March 10, so Fox has decided to grace the dedicated fan base with new exclusive merchandise ranging from new clothing, comic books, books, stationary, board games and even more! BTVS rightfully earns the special treatment after showcasing the struggles of growing up, transitioning to adulthood and all the curveballs life can throw our way — with a supernatural twist.  Though the series has been off the air for years (she was slaying before any pop-star used the word), it has lived on through the collector’s DVD sets, streaming services such as Netflix and Hulu, or even the comic book continuation that takes place shortly after the series concluded. Buffy has been and always will be around, so what better way to celebrate than to enjoy some new Buffy goodies to excite our inner-Scooby?

buffy the vampire slayer Hot Topic / Fox

Fox Consumer Products launched a partnership with various companies to sweeten the deal and expand the exclusives, some of which include new Buffy the Vampire Slayer clothes. Hot Topic has designed a special line of Buffy-inspired items, beginning with Buffy’s “Graduation Day” blood-red trench coat, Willow’s “Dopplegangland” frilly sweater and even Faith’s recurring black leather jacket to channel your rebel slayer persona. Ripple Junction has provided their own line of Buffy tees for men and women, with a limited sale on the items up until March 10. The store Box Lunch will additionally sell items centered around Buffy (shirts, jewelry, etc.) that launch on the 10th itself.

buffy the vampire slayer Dark Horse / Fox

On the other end of the spectrum, a large number of Buffy comics will be available through Dark Horse Comics, which is the company behind Seasons 8-11 (Season 11 is currently being published). Dark Horse will release an omnibus version of Season 8 that includes several volumes in one bundle to ease the reading process or join your BTVS collection. The series is produced by Joss himself, another reason to catch up and find out where your favorites are now — I can personally promise it’s a major treat to all BTVS lovers. The publishing company will include two new adult coloring books to embrace your inner Giles art (hardcore fans will catch that one) with scenes inspired by the series and comics.

A few different publishers (Simon & Schuster, Insight Editions and Harper Design) have a few Buffy-related books down the pipeline, from a collection of Buffy handbooks with spells and mystical focus to an encyclopedia to the Buffyverse (and that is simply a few of several in the works)/ If you are looking for more action, look no further! Jasco has released a Buffy board game that uses a multiplayer function for people to battle major villains of the franchise (here on Amazon), and Legendary will be releasing a deck-building card game where teamwork is key (available August 2017).

Fox will be revealing more items as they are released throughout the year, but, with this much focus on the Buffyverse, this 20th anniversary (still utterly shocked it’s been 20 years!) will be a glorious one — Buffy the Vampire Slayer only gets better with age!

Make sure to share your thoughts on the  marvelous anniversary as well as your favorite Buffy moments with the hashtag #BuffySlays20 on social media.


  • Senior Staff Writer for PopWrapped, with a penchant for K-pop, the horror genre, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, television, comics, and anime.

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