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Captain Jack Harkness: Forever A Flirt, Forever Alive, And Forever Jack


Brittany Goldfield Rodrigues

Staff Writer

Captain Jack Harkness, played by John Barrowman, may not have appeared on Doctor Who since its fourth season, but lest we forget the immortal sexual companion who helped The Doctor out of many sticky situations. The former con man turner time traveller from the 51st century was first seen on the sci-fi show in the season one episode “The Empty Child” and last seen in the Tenth Doctor’s final adventure, “The End Of Time.”

Even though Jack accompanies the Doctor in the Tardis for a lot less time than other companions, his wit, charm, and lets face it, that perfect face, make it hard to forget him. Jack played a short but vital role in the Doctors life. After all, the Doctor did turn to him when he was having parallel world issues.

When we first saw him in the first season, we were all mystified at the sexually ambiguous, sassy, fun, and exciting Captain Jack Harkness. I myself specifically remember keeping my fingers crossed every episode following, in hopes I would see his face again. Because Jack didn’t always appear in back to back episodes, and he liked to spontaneously come in to shake things up, hearing that American accent was always music to our ears. Hearing him hit on everyone and everything was also a happy tune. Don’t judge, Doctor Who is not a flirtatious show (at least before the Pond’s) so Jack was a nice change.

In his time on Doctor Who, Jack Harkness has kissed many, saved lives, been more kick ass than we could ever expect, and has died multiple times. The Time Agent became immortal after being revived by Rose following an incident with a Dalek (those damn robots), and then dedicated his life to research. Although Jack parts with The Doctor to continue with this work at the alien research base Torchwood, his experiences at the institute earned him his own spinoff show Torchwood. Creative right?

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The character remained important on Doctor Who, as he later becomes the Face of Boe, “the oldest thing in the universe.” Immortality…get it? On his deathbed as Boe, Jack tells The Doctor that he is not alone, ultimately leading him to the only other living timelord – The Master. See, Jack accomplishes good even when he’s not around.

John Barrowman won us over in his role as Jack, the smooth talker who hit on anyone and anything he came in contact with. Just as we have come to love Jack’s ability to love everyone, we have come to love the man who portrays him. John Barrowman has attended many conventions, enthusing crowds of Doctor Who (and Arrow) fans with sexual innuendos and kindness. There was also that time he kissed David Tennant at Comic Con.

Barrowman regrettably won’t return as Jack for Doctor Who’s upcoming 50th anniversary episode featuring past actors David Tennant and Billie Piper. Regardless, our love for Jack stays strong and our hopes to see him return to the series remain.

It’s hard to not love the man. His good looks, adorable personality, and his love for his fans, he is a pleasure to watch on screen and to interact with in person. Barrowman is always up to no good at conventions. Once the actor hid in a cardboard Dalek bothering people waiting in line for, only to pop out of the cardboard to reveal himself as the one and only John Barrowman.

The recently married actor also has the voice of an angel. You know, because we don’t have reason enough to love him. He has a few albums under his belt, and sings what might be the best (and only) Doctor Who/ Wicked crossover song “The Doctor and I.”

If you miss Jack Harkness, which you obviously do, you can support Barrowman in his present career. He has not stood still since landing his role on Docor Who, he has since played the leading role of Malcolm Merlyn in the first season of Arrow on CW. He alsoappeared in a guest role on Scandal. Barrowman continues to impress us with his complex roles, always taking on a character different from the one before.

Still, no one of Barrowman’s characters will touch us quite like Captain Jack Harkness.

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