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This week's hotly anticipated new comics feature the return of a favourite superhero team, a visit to a dystopian future, and the beginnings of a civil war.


PopPicks: Comic Books To Buy This Week

This week’s hotly anticipated new comics feature the return of a favourite superhero team, a visit to a dystopian future, and the beginnings of a civil war.

Wednesday is nearly here, and with hump day comes New Comic Book Day – the greatest day of the week if you follow weekly comics and have a hard time waiting seven whole days to get your fix. This week brings us new books from the heart of DC’s Rebirth, the middle of Civil War, and a whole bunch more. 

At PopWrapped we know that your dollar doesn’t often stretch nearly as far as you’d like, making it hard to buy everything you want to include on your pull list. Here are a few comics we are excited about reading this Wednesday, to help you make your decision. Let us know which ones we may have missed in the comments. We are always looking for more comics to read and would love to hear your picks!

Black Hammer #1


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Written By: Jeff Lemire

Art By: Dean Ormston

Colours By: Dave Stewart

From the writer who brought you one of the best Green Arrow arcs in recent memory, who was able to carry on Hawkeye’s story after Matt Fraction’s departure, and who has written incredibly original series such as Sweet Tooth and Trillium, comes a new story about old superheroes seeking to find their way home.  Jeff Lemire is a story teller like no other, and with his words being imagined by talent like Dean Ormston and Dave Stewart, this is one of the most anticipated works of the summer. 

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Batgirl And The Birds Of Prey Rebirth #1


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Written By: Shawna Benson and Julie Benson

Art By: Claire Roe

The Birds of Prey are a team of kickass superheroes from Gotham, and before DC relaunched their line of titles with the New 52, consisted of the core group of Oracle, Black Canary, and Huntress. DC’s Rebirth returns to the original line up, albeit with Barbara Gordon in her role as Batgirl rather than Oracle, and sets up a compelling mystery in the process. Who is this new Oracle? And why do they want to reveal everyone’s secrets?

Batman #3


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Written by: Tom King

Art by: David Finch and Matt Batt Banning

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Scott Snyder penned Batman throughout the New 52, and created a number of compelling arcs, twists, and events along the way. He’s left Gotham’s dark crusader in great hands with Tom King, who is in the midst of penning a mystery of his own. Who are the people behind the recent attacks on Gotham? And who are Batman’s new teammates? 

Clean Room #10


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Written by: Gail Simone

Art By: Jon Davis-Hunt

Clean Room is a horror comic from the mind of Gail Simone. The work as a whole deals with the main character’s fight against a powerful, mysterious, and potentially dangerous self-help organization. In this issue, both the protagonist, Chloe, and the “big bad” Astrid face betrayal and a horror like no other. I’d read this one with the lights on if I were you…

Green Arrow #3


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Written By: Ben Percy

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Art By: Juan Ferreyra

Ben Percy was the writer of Green Arrow before Rebirth occurred, and it’s absolutely fantastic that he has stayed on afterwards. This is less of a relaunch and more of a follow up on his previous arc. Longtime fans of the emerald archer will be thrilled to learn that former flame Black Canary has returned to his book. The New 52 may have erased their prior relationship from continuity, but readers can see a new one brewing. This issue sees Ollie deal with the city which has betrayed him, and struggle to figure out why.

Hellblazer Rebirth #1


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Written By: Simon Oliver

Art By: Moritat

Fans of England’s magical bad boy were dismayed when his Vertigo series, Hellblazer, was cancelled after the launch of the New 52. While his recent solo series, Constantine, was a fantastic read, it is nice to see John Constantine return to the Hellblazer title. This issue serves as a nice introduction to the character, by testing his morals while he deals with a very angry demon. 

Lazarus #23


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Written By: Greg Rucka

Art By: Michael Lark

Lazarus is a wonderful dystopian series, taking on the very scary idea that one day the world will be drawn along economic lines rather than political ones, and only a handful of families will control the entire world. If you’re a fan of the series, this next issue will hopefully answer a number of questions, though the solicit warning that “a Lazarus falls” may not be the answer you are hoping for. If you’re just starting out with the series, check out the trades and start from the beginning. Trust me, the entire series is a fantastic read.

Velvet #15


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Written By: Ed Brubaker

Art By: Steve Epting

Velvet is the code name of a mid-40s spy turned administrative assistant. A tragic event forces her to draw upon her past as a spy, and takes her around the world as she seeks out the truth. It’s all been leading up to this issue, in which Velvet finally gets the answers she’s looking for. But are they they answers she wants? 

Snotgirl #1

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Written By: Bryan Lee O’Malley

Art By: Leslie Hung

Fans of Bryan Lee O’Malley’s Scott Pilgrim series, and fans of quirky comics in general, will want to get their hands on this new title. The “fun and fucked up” series (O’Malley’s words, not mine) features a fashion blogger who just happens to suffer from horrifically bad allergies. The series won’t be just about the latest looks and beautiful people. however; the dark comedy will also kick off with a murder. 

Civil War II #2


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Written By: Brian Michael Bendis

Art By: David Marquez

Crossover events may not be everyone’s favourite thing, but Marvel’s Civil War II certainly has an interesting angle. This particular civil war is essentially over knowledge, and what to do with seemingly speculative information. It’s an incredible place to start, and after the shocking events of the last issue, Marvel’s heroes are at a crossroads – with many willing to die for what they believe in. 

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Patsy Walker AKA Hellcat #8


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Written By: Kate Leth

Art By: Brittney Williams

This series, The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl and Howard The Duck are three titles that many readers love to read each month. In each series, the writers (all Canadian, incidentally) and artists have given the characters new life, and made their struggles relatable to the average reader. This particular issue is a Civil War II tie-in, which normally wouldn’t be my thing, but I am excited to see what depth Leth will bring to Patsy as she struggles to figure out what she prioritizes most as a hero. 

What do you think? Did we forget your favourite? Let us know what your picks of the week are, and help expand my pull list! 

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