In case you didn’t think science was already cool, it’s taking over the fashion industry!
Shenova is bringing a new, quirky look to your wardrobe with beautifully cut dresses, complete with science-inspired artwork. Already we have the Periodic Table of Elements, the Fibonacci sequence, a gorgeous DNA strand, printed circuit boards, retinal cells, aerospace engineering, and space-time warps!
Now, does that mean we should reach for our sonic screwdrivers or simply jump to the left?
The company is also game to take anything from your field and turn it into a dress. They can do cap sleeves, short sleeves, sleeveless, and various necklines. These dresses are all about making you feel good and to educate other people while you do it.
Feeling great and educating the masses? Where do I buy one??
This collection has been officially named Women In Stem by Shenova. Already made dresses run upwards of $139, some as high as $225, and more designs are on the way. They were even featured at the 360 Fashion and Tech Show! Their designs have been spotted by Vogue UK, iO9, Laughing Squid, The Frisky, Fashionably Geek, Neatorama, and others.
With such an avid and brainy fanbase already forming, I have no doubt they will get plenty of customers!
The Shenova company brands itself as a carrier of “Exclusive Designs For Smart Women.” With all of its dresses designed, printed, and made to order near UC Berkeley in California, you are guaranteed a USA original piece in every order.
Shenova urges their clients to find their own unique style:
I specialize in transforming your passion into something you will be proud to wear on your special day.
A custom dress is unique to you and is guaranteed to make you stand out.
I work with you to make a piece inspired by your field that fits and flatters you perfectly.
Well, what are you waiting for? Let your geek shine!