Freeform’s supernatural show Beyond follows the life of Holden Matthews. After Holden was awoken from his coma, he discovers that he has these special abilities and is linked to a different “dimension” known as The Realm. By the end of Season 1, Holden believes The Realm is in his past and that he can move on with a “normal” life. We had a chance to sit down with cast members Burkely Duffield “Holden”, Dilan Gwyn “Willa”, and Eden Brolin “Charlie” and here are 6 important things we learned about Season 2.
1. The Realm
Last season Holden has just discovered his abilities and was trying to figure out The Realm and the memories he has of it. By the end, he thought he was done with The Realm, but it doesn’t seem like this is the case. This season, The Realm is coming after Holden. This could put himself, Willa, as well as many others, in danger.
2. The love triangle adds another side
The love triangle between Holden, Willa, and Charlie becomes a square. Now, we have Luke entering the mix. During the interview, Eden teased that it is “not what you expect.” She already has us interested. Burkely says that fans will see Holden making some decisions between these two ladies and there will be “relationship drama.”
3. We’ll be diving deeper into Holden’s “extracurricular heroics”
Burkely says that his favorite part of making season 2 was that Holden gets to tap more into his “extracurricular heroics.” While filming season 2, Burkely had a chance to play more with CGI and special effects. He says that this let him show more of Holden’s abilities and put them in a new light.
4. Willa becomes “more human”
Dilan joked by saying that Willa had no time to be wrong in season 1. She is happy that this season has taken a little turn and she says that we will learn more about Willa. Also, we will see a more human and vulnerable side. Will this play into the love square? We hope so.
5. Playing dress up
Eden says that Charlie gets to play dress up during season 2. She teases that Charlie gets to “sneak around.” Could this be to help Holden? Or will is it because of Willa? All we know is that it sounds interesting and we can wait to see how this plays out.
6. More Skin
Joking that we got to see a shirtless Holden a lot last season, of course the question had to be asked. Will we see more in the second season? The answer did not disappoint. Burkely confirmed that we will see more shirtless Holden and teased that there could be more scandalous scenes with the cast this year as well.
With that being said, we will be tuning in to Beyond Season 2, Premiering on Freeform January 18th at 8:00 pm EST. Watch the rest of the interview below!