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Reese Witherspoon’s Outburst Video Released!



Caitlin Swift

Staff Writer

America’s Sweetheart Reese Witherspoon has been all over the news recently after her and her husband were arrested in Atlanta. The couple had been out for a ‘date’ night and over indulged a bit. Using poor judgment Jim Toth felt as though he was capable of driving home. Shortly after the duo was arrested and Reese let loose.

There had been reports of what the star shouted at officers, but now a video of the incident has hit the internet. Thank god for police car dashboard cameras! In the video, provided by TMZ, you can see Toth in cuffs and Reese comes barreling in ranting about how she is a US citizen. When she doesn’t listen to the officer she soon finds herself in cuffs. During her outburst you can hear Toth apologizing to the officer for Reese’s outburst.

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The couple was in court last week and Toth pled guilty to DUI charges while Witherspoon pled no contest to disorderly conduct. Witherspoon also took a moment to address the incident during a recent interview with Good Morning America,“I told [the police officer] I was pregnant – I’m not pregnant! And if you only hear me laughing, [it’s] because I have no idea what I was talking about. And I’m so sorry. I was so disrespectful to him and I have police officers in my family. I work with police officers every day. I know better and it’s just unacceptable.”

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