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Weed Still Rules? “Dazed and Confused” To Get a Sequel?


Erica Wong-Den
Staff Writer

Still Dazed and Confused?

Well then, apparently you’re not the only one. Director Richard Linklater claims he’s fully interested in making a Dazed and Confused sequel. It won’t be Pink and Wooderson you’ll be watching.

Linklater states: “I carefully called it a spiritual sequel to Dazed ‘cause it’s not the same characters. If Dazed’ was my high school, this is my college. It’s about a weekend in college in that time period. It’s funny … I think it’s the funniest thing I ever wrote.”

Originally titled That’s What I’m Talking About, Linklater announced this project as far back as 2009. The project, however, fell apart due to “business reasons” as cited by the director with no further details.

According to Linklater, we can be expecting filming to take place this fall. Hopefully the project stays afloat; it could very well be the college comedy of the year.

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