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Two Marvel Films To Debut In 2016 & 2017–But Which?!



Dia Sparrow

Staff Writer

Get ready, superhero movie enthusiasts. Disney released its schedule of films and release dates, including two new, unnamed Marvel movies. The mystery movies are due out May 6, 2016, and May 5, 2017.

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Speculation’s begun to circulate that the mystery films are Captain America or Thor, but no word from the Marvel camp has been issued.
Also being released is Marvel’s Ant-Man, which will be hitting theaters on November 6, 2015.
Recently, Marvel Studios boss, Kevin Feige mentioned the ideas of Doctor Strange, The Incredible Hulk, Black Panther, Daredevil and several other new characters on the big screen. 
He also mentioned the thought of the Iron Man franchise carrying on without Robery Downey Jr, saying: “I see no reason why Tony Stark can’t be as evergreen as James Bond. Or Batman, for that matter. Or Spider-Man. I think Iron Man is a character just like that.”
Avengers writer and director Joss Whedon however, feels a bit differently about the prospect of losing Downey Jr. ”He is Iron Man. He is Iron Man in the way that Sean Connery was James Bond. I have no intention of making Avengers 2 without him, nor do I think I’ll be called upon to do that. I don’t think it’s in my interest, Marvel’s interest, or his interest, and I think everything will be fine.”
How will this turn out? Let us know your guesses below!

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