Aedan Juvet
Senior Staff Writer
Game of Thrones author, George RR Martin has released an excerpt of his newest GoT work, The World of Ice and Fire: The Untold History of Westeros and the World of Game of Thrones. The book will dive into some of the intricate past moments essential to understanding the current world Martin has created.
The preview is in regards to Aegon I Targaryen, previous conqueror of the seven kingdoms. Aegon died nearly 300 years before the story takes place, and this book will finally feature some background on the ancestor of one of the series leads, Daenerys Targaryen.
The snippet was titled, “Aegon’s Conquest” and gives some insight to the conquerors past battles to gain power. Read the brief excerpt for yourself on Martin’s website in preparation for the upcoming novel.
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Senior Staff Writer for PopWrapped, with a penchant for K-pop, the horror genre, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, television, comics, and anime.