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Cute, Weird Or Wacky? Dad Takes His Own Maternity Photos After Wife Refuses


Jonathan Frahm

Staff Writer


In the new day and age, maternity photos are becoming more and more common. They’re typically tastefully-taken, self-confidence-imbuing pictures celebrating a woman’s body in all of its stages, but not every pregnant mother wants to take them.

Courtesy of Reddit user DruishPrincess69 Courtesy of Reddit user DruishPrincess69

While that’s perfectly fair, Reddit user DruishPrincess69 decided to take the situation by the horns. When his wife wasn’t warm towards taking said photos, he decided that he’d take the reins and prove once and for all that, hey, dads can take maternity photos, too!

Just because you aren’t pregnant doesn’t mean its not impossible to create an… inspiring… set of pictures, as he proves below:

So, what do you think PopWrappers? Cute, weird or just plain wacky?! VOTE BELOW!

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