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Eager for the next episode of iZombie? Here are our top three reasons why we adore lovable, talented Dr. Ravi Chakrabarti. 


Pop 3 Reasons We Love iZombie’s Dr. Ravi Chakrabarti

Eager for the next episode of iZombie? Here are our top three reasons why we adore lovable, talented Dr. Ravi Chakrabarti. 

Last time, we gushed over iZombie‘s talented and lovable Liv Moore, but who are we to forget about Dr. Chakrabarti, also known as the equally talented and lovable Ravi. He might be her boss, but we all secretly have wished at one point our boss(es) were as cool as he is.


iZombie Obsessed

As we anxiously await the next iZombie episode titled “Fifty Shades of Grey Matter”, let’s show the doctor some love. Here are the top three reasons we love our favorite Brit.



1. Rajor and Riv

These ships will NOT sink, and if they do, we will sink along with them. Starting off with Rajor (Ravi and Major), they are the epitome of the ideal bromance, and they are goals. Hopefully, there will be more interaction between the two; as of late, they haven’t hung out as much.





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The same goes for Riv (Ravi and Liv). These two may work together at the morgue, but they make work a lot of fun because every day is a fun day with Ravi around! Speaking of which, this leads me to point number two.

2. The perfect, all around best friend forever



Sorry not sorry.

You know that he’ll always have your back. Whether it’s collecting drug samples because you want to get high to dealing with your spontaneity or your endless fangirling over your favorite television show, he will tolerate you, just like any trustworthy friend. When you’re feeling down in the dumps, he’s got buckets of advice to share with you and loads of humor to keep your spirits up. Also, he’s super smart and a nerd, making him a keeper in our book.

3. Fashion icon, much?



After watching two seasons of iZombie and going, you’re probably wondering when your guy friends will take note of Ravi’s impeccable wardrobe. It doesn’t matter if he’s at the morgue, which is one of the dreariest places to work at aside the random crime scenes, he always dresses his absolute best no matter what the occasion. Not to mention, his perfect hair.



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Good point, Ravi. Good point.

iZombie airs on Tuesday nights, on The CW.

Stay tuned for more iZombie, PopWrappers!

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