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Grammar Snob is a new app that allows users to lose friends and alienate people by correcting the grammar and spelling of text messages.


Grammar Snob Is The Best App For The Worst Kind Of People

Grammar Snob is a new app that allows users to lose friends and alienate people by correcting the grammar and spelling of text messages.

Depending on what type of person you are, “Grammar Snob” is either the best app or the worst app ever released. The app, developed by Missouri’s John Haney, consists of a series of stickers that can be applied to text messages before sending them back. Simply put, it allows grammar snobs the opportunity to lose friends and family by incessantly correcting their horrific grammatical errors.

Grammar Snob Grammar Snob

The stickers look like handwritten corrections, complete with red ink and all, that can be carefully placed over certain grammatical errors. So far, the app has a number of common mistakes covered, such as “your”/”you’re” and “their”/”there”/”they’re”. The app also includes corrections for words that are frequently misspelt, such as “espresso”.

Grammar snob Grammer Snob

It’s incredibly easy to use and doesn’t even require screenshots or images. You literally place the sticker over the grammatical error or spelling mistake and hit send. For those of us who tend to notice a glaring mistake the moment after we hit send, you can also apply these stickers to your own messages, as a way of self-correcting. 

Grammar Snob Grammar Snob

When Buzzfeed spoke with Haney, he indicated that, initially, the app was developed to fix those all too common autocorrect mistakes. As he was developing it, however, he opted to tailor it toward grammatical errors instead.

Haney found the overwhelming response to the app to be “amazing”, with many people apparently eager to lose friends and alienate people. While this is the exactly the type of app that could give your friends and family a reason to stop speaking with you, Haney said that he hopes people understand it’s meant to be playful. 

“I decided on the name ‘Grammar Snob’ because I hope people view this sticker pack as playful and don’t necessarily take it so seriously.”

The app does look incredibly fun, and, if used with the right audience in the right context, could be a way to share your grammar snobbishness with your nearest and dearest. It’s available now on the App Store for iMessage. 

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