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The fascinating life of Gloria Steinem will soon be on the big screen.


Gloria Steinem Biopic: Julie Taymor Set To Direct

The fascinating life of Gloria Steinem will soon be on the big screen.

The fascinating life of Gloria Steinem will soon be on the big screen.

June Pictures is producing a biopic about the famed feminist leader, organizer, activist, and journalist. The film will be based on Steinem’s 2015 New York Times bestselling book, My Life on the Road, and Julie Taymor is set to direct. Taymor previously directed movies including Across the Universe and Frida, as well as the Broadway productions of The Lion King and Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark. Sarah Ruhl, a noted playwright, is writing the script.

In My Life on the Road, Steinem takes readers on a journey through the most important and impactful travels she’s had over the course of her life, from covering presidential campaigns and touring India to founding Ms. magazine in 1972 and lecturing at college campuses across the country still today. USA Today described the book as “evocative” in its review and noted, “Whatever one’s politics, such candor draws you in. And as the country continues to struggle with painful questions about race relations, reproductive rights and the plight of immigrants, the lessons imparted in [My] Life on the Road offer more than a reminiscence. They are a beacon of hope for the future.” 

No casting, production schedule, or release date are known yet, but Steinem is eager to share her experiences and wisdom with moviegoing audiences. “So now that we are on this journey together, I hope and believe the result will encourage many more travelers—especially women in all our diverse realities—to tell our own stories,” Steinem said about working with Taymor, Ruhl, and June Pictures.

There are a plethora of stories and anecdotes for Ruhl and Taymor to choose from in My Life on the Road, but the film will likely have storytelling as a major theme. As Steinem writes in the book, describing her lifelong journeys, “I discovered the magic of people telling their own stories.” 

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