Ben Savage, most well-known for his iconic role of Cory Matthews from Boy Meets World, is set to appear on Criminal Minds as the younger version of Gideon (who is played by Mandy Patinkin). This season’s 13th episode, which will feature Savage, is described as a love letter to fans by executive producer/showrunner Erica Messer and the episode’s co-writer Kirsten Vangsness.
This episode will feature a current case that forces Rossi (Joe Mantegna) to recall his earlier days in the 70’s, when he and Gideon first got their start at the BAU. Robert Dunne is back on board to reprise his role as the younger Rossi. The 13th episode is set to air in January.
Showrunner Messer told TVGuide that she has been wanting to explore the origin story of the BAU, and now that the show has stretched to its 10th season, she feels like the time is right.
“I’m really excited about it, to show our heroes from the beginning in the bomb shelter in Quantico. [Rossi’s] memory drives us into the flashback, but it’s also very reflective for the whole cast. It’s not a typical episode,” explains Messer.
Gideon’s character has been mentioned several times throughout the show since his season 3 departure. However, this will be the first time the character will be back in the physical sense, via flashback.
I wish Savage luck on his new role and hopefully he will be brought in a lot more frequently for more flashback episodes. Savage currently stars in the Boy Meets World spin-off series Girl Meets World, where he reprises his role of Cory Matthews and is the parent this time around, with his daughter being the title character of the show.
Criminal Minds airs Wednesdays at 9/8c on CBS!
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