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Fans Have Fun At Liverpool Comic Con 2021

Liverpool Comic Con put on an epic sized event this past weekend, delighting the 40,000 fans in attendance.

Having had to be postponed due to the CoronaVirus pandemic, the sold-out Liverpool Comic Con 2021 saw 40,000 fans and array of guests and traders descend on the city and call it home for the weekend of November 13-14. This year, the venue where it was to be held had been expanded to include two buildings – the Exhibition Centre and the Convention Centre. I was attending the con with my friend Sarah and, on the Saturday morning, we arrived on site, at the CC, around half 8 to find hundreds, if not thousands, of fans already waiting to walk through the doors for the first time. The doors were around 15 minutes late opening (something that isn’t unusual particularly when it comes to events of this size) and with the first events of the day due to start at 10, the late-running did make a number of attendees anxious.

Once the doors were opened however, security checks were quick and efficient, as was the badge/stamp/wristband collection process (at least for me anyway). Sarah and I had been lucky enough to get tickets for the sold out TO Panel and headed to try and find Hall 1A where it would take place. It was a little concerning that we were told several different things regarding where the room was and how to get to it by four different staff members, but we still managed to make it in good time and took our seats. It was clear, as the start time approached, given that the huge auditorium wasn’t even a third full that a lot of other people were having the same difficulties we did. The panel itself also started late – perhaps to allow fans more time to find the room – and so instead of having 45 minutes in the company of Phoebe Tonkin, Summer Fontana and Charles Michael Davis, alongside panel host Diane ‘Jet’ Youdale, we had just under 30.


Diane began by asking the three when they arrived in Liverpool: Phoebe said she was “still a little jetlagged” after getting in last night, Summer had arrived yesterday morning but tried to sleep on the plane and Charles also got in yesterday morning. They were asked to sum up the show for everyone and describe their characters. Summer referred to The Originals as: “…an awesome show because it shows a fiery family dynamic; there’s love, hate, fear, anxiety, all of that, and then there’s some vampires, witches in the mix as well…” Charles’ mention of “Marcel” got the biggest cheer, then he summed up the show in four words: “Vampire Diaries – but better” – and the response from the audience suggested they more than agreed. Asked if they would change anything that happened in the show, Charles said that he: “…wouldn’t have had Hayley get killed off.”

It was then time for the audience Q&A part of the panel, and Diane instructed those wanting to ask something to shout really loudly. The first question came from a girl who asked Phoebe how she felt about the new Taylor Swift version of the album ‘Red’ that dropped the night before, and she replied that she: “…was thankfully on a plane with WiFi when it came out and I spent the next four hours of my flight not sleeping because I was listening to the new album and it’s amazing. I watched the “All Too Well” short film today and it’s amazing.” She went on to add: “I think it’s incredible and empowering as well to see her take back her ownership of these songs. I listened to them for the first time as a young girl, and now I get to listen to them again in my thirties and they still resonate. My long answer to your question is ecstatic.”

Phoebe declared, when asked about the best behind the scenes moments, that the best scenes were those where they were all together. “I think the Christmas episodes were special,” she explained with a smile. “Any opportunity we all got to work together – it was hard for the crew because when we all got together, it was harder for all of us to do our jobs…the ballroom episode, when I was in the red dress…that particular episode was REALLY fun.” Both Charles and Summer mirrored Phoebe’s comments about them all getting to work together and how enjoyable it was, with Summer adding: “The last episode of season 4; I think that was a really emotional time for everybody as we all reflected on how much we loved each other and grew our relationships that season.”

Charles was asked about Marcel and Rebekah’s wedding and what it would have been like. “There would have been a really long, drawn-out ceremony, waiting for Rebekah to walk down the aisle,” he said. “But then you know, we probably would have done karaoke, there’d be a huge dance floor, people would have gotten wasted…it’d have been great.”

Diane was then informed by someone backstage about four microphones around the auditorium and she relayed this information to the crowd, with many fans then moving from their seats to form lined behind the four mics. The next question was about which character from The Originals or Vampire Diaries they’d kill, and Charles was super quick with his response of: “Matt Davis! Alaric – easy one,” which got a good laugh and considerable applause. Asked who was the funniest to work with on set, Summer instantly shot back, with a huge grin: “Joseph!” Joseph for sure. Me and him pulled some amazing pranks.” Phoebe shared, when someone asked what their favourite thing about working on set together was: “All of us have quite a similar sense of humour and I think that helped get us through, you know, really long days on set. We really laughed a lot.”

A small girl named Lily stepped up to a mic, and couldn’t quite reach so after Charles called for someone to “…pick her up; give her a boost”, which the girl behind her duly did, she asked what their favourite part about their character was. Charles first jokingly said: “The cool jackets he got to wear,before adding sincerely: “That he was in love with Rebekah” – cue an “aww” echoing around the room. Summer chose her art talent, and Phoebe: “…loved being able to play a mother at different stages in her daughter’s life; as a baby, then a young girl, seven/eight, and then as a teenager – now played by the lovely Danielle.” Having really got her start on the TV series H20, Phoebe was asked if she’d rather be a werewolf or a mermaid. “I would definitely say a mermaid,” she replied, earning a cheer. “I’m a water baby at heart; I love swimming, I love the ocean. I don’t like staying up past 8pm even as a human so I don’t think the vampire life is for me; but the mermaid life is for sure for me.”

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Phoebe was then asked who she thought Hayley, as such a strong character, would be more suited to – Klaus or Elijah. “Honestly the answer would be Elijah,” she replied; the Haylijah fans – and there were a lot of them – in the room were audibly very happy with her answer. “I don’t think Hayley and Klaus would have had a very functional, healthy relationship.” All three were asked which characteristic from any character on the show they’d choose to have. “I want Claire’s hair,” Charles joked. “You know when I was possessed by The Hollow? I want her abilities; I want her powers,” said Summer, while Phoebe chose the ability to fight. “I’m not very tough or athletic whatsoever,” she reasoned. The next question was about their least favourite scenes to film. “Anything covered in blood,” Charles said. “Anything outdoors at night in the middle of winter…just outdoors…” Phoebe commented and Summer shared the story about a scene that was cut featuring herself and Phoebe. “I slipped and fell, and cut my knee on a rock. It was not enjoyable. I shed blood for nothing.” The three were then asked if they would return to their characters and appear in Legacies if asked to. “I would, I definitely would,“ Summer said, interrupting some banter between Charles and Phoebe after he said he’d heard she was going to be written into the show, which she told him, and everyone present, wasn’t true. “I would because it’s an opportunity, but also because a lot of people from The Originals are on the crew and I love them all so I would definitely consider that.”

Charles was asked which other character he’d love to play and why. “You’d play me, right?” Summer joked. “Hayley,” he answered. “She was a super cool hybrid, and she’s my favourite for sure.” Asked about their favourite characters, Summer replied: “I’m not just saying this – I loved literally everybody I worked with on The Originals.” “Who’d you love the most?” Charles asked her. “Well Joseph had me tell Instagram that I loved him the most so I’d have to say him.” She then proved how sassy she could be when she added: “You’re in definitely like the top 5; no, 10. I feel like some of the extras were a little above you…” When someone queried what the best and worst thing about working on the set was, Phoebe explained how none of them were from Atlanta, and she described it as: “like being at college. We had The Vampire Diaries cast, The Legacies cast and our cast all together…it was so fun.”

Phoebe and Charles were asked who was the most fun to do make-out scenes with and Charles shared a story about doing a make-out scene with Claire. “When we went to do it, I could tell she was sort of just pressing her face up against mine,” he began, describing it as: “kind of like kissing a brick wall.” He added that he told Leah Pipes – “and you should never tell Leah Pipes anything because she’ll tell everybody else immediately” – and how Claire had come up to him, rather irate and told him: “Next time, it’s on!” Asked to choose their best season to film, both Phoebe and Charles chose 3 while Summer went with 4, the only season she featured in. Someone then asked about their favourite ship from the show. Summer whispered something to Phoebe who announced: “She wants to say Klaroline” – a loud cheer supported her choice – but then Summer herself spoke up after Phoebe whispered something back. “Haylijah yeah, for sure!” That received an even bigger cheer. Charles meanwhile went with one of the less ‘prominent’ ships; Jaiden – Josh and Aiden. A fan asked if the three of them had any side-hustles or secret talents, which resulted in both Phoebe, who stood up and Summer who got on the floor, showing off their joint-hypermobility/double-jointed-ness, and Charles simply stood up and shrugged off his white coat, much to the delight of many fans present. Charles was then asked what the most awkward scene to film was and he highlighted two: where he has to put his hand in a coffin full of snakes to get a key and having to lay flat in a pool of water which he then rises up and out from. Summer chose to go with the scene where she’s trying to get Marcel out of the prison. “Dust was supposed to come down and it took like 20 minutes to get the dust. It’s an emotional scene and the director called “Action!” and we were just waiting…” Charles laughed, adding: “And then there was that one take when so much dust fell, it went all over my face and I was just covered! That was when I was directing – and you were just seven years old.” “I’m seven, not stupid,” Summer remarked, reciting one of her most popular lines from the series.

The final question came from a girl named Lucy who asked if they were happy with the way the show ended. “Yes,” Charles replied. “Yes, for sure,” Summer said. “I know this probably isn’t the answer you want to hear,” Phoebe began. “But I was happy; only because Legacies wouldn’t really have existed if Hayley hadn’t died. I think that that show only really works because – stories that are grown out of pain and adversity, which is sort of what Hope’s had to go through, and that sort of led to the stories and experiences she’s having now…and I think it was important to all of us for that show to have its own story not connected to The Originals. It was very sad when Hayley died and very hard to shoot that stuff, but yeah.”

Panel over, Sarah and I headed to the ECL as we had both booked a photo with the headliner of the event, Daniel Gillies. Sarah had actually booked two and invited me in on her second, in which we agreed to ask him to do the ‘horn’ signs with us. Having done a number of Zoom chats/M&G’s with him, alongside Sarah and another friend of ours, Norma Jean who lives in Miami (the three of us run a fan-site for/about him), when it came time for my solo pic, I must say that I was pleasantly, okay – more than pleasantly – surprised when I walked over to him and the first words out of his mouth were: “Hi. I remember you.” As Sarah joined us and we told him about our site, he smiled and replied: “I know, love your site”, and once the pic was taken, he added: “You have great taste in my photos.”

Like many my age (I’m 35), I grew up watching one particular show on ITV, and absolutely loved one of its ‘characters’ – Jet. Yes, I’m talking about Gladiators and Diane Youdale. I had booked an auto and selfie with her and found her to be very warm and friendly with everyone. When I passed her one of her on-desk photos, and told her my name, with a smile she queried how to spell it, just so she got it right. As she came round the table for the selfie, the first thing she noticed was the sparkly ring on my finger. “That’s lovely,” she said and I told her it was from Warren James. I really like how our selfie turned out.

Next was a photo with Charles Michael Davis, who stepped in when Danielle Campbell, who I was booked to meet, had to cancel, in the CC. Myself and Sarah were among the first in line and instructed it was forward facing only and no contact. I was up first and said a quick thank you to him when it was done. Sarah had a box of karma sutra gummies and he laughed when she handed him the box with a GO (the fan-site we run) badge pinned on the top.

With a bit of time before the next set of photos, Sarah collected some autographs for her daughter Amelia (who at the time had no idea her mum was doing such for her) from Summer Fontana (who signed a pic of her as Hope with Joseph Morgan’s Klaus) and Phoebe Tonkin (who signed a TO cast pic), before she kindly said I could be in her The Originals group photo with her. We actually ended up with a group pic each as, perhaps because of the ‘no contact’ rule in place with some of the guests, everyone was instructed to stand back-to-back with Charles, who had Phoebe next to him and then Summer.

Next was Charles’ autograph. I had brought with me the last two books in the trilogy that The Originals is based on, and I got him to sign the second page of book two as I planned for Daniel to sign the first. I asked him how he was enjoying Liverpool he said: “I love it.” Sarah had him sign the TO cast photo for Amelia and her photo from earlier.

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We headed back over to the ECL, checked out some of the set props and other displays and saw a giant balloon Hulk created by Tom Kent which he hoped would set a world record for the largest balloon costume made by an individual. We also took a walk around some of the fantastic trader stalls including Caveys Craft. We then grabbed a much-needed lunch from one of the vendors. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d had a good-sized hot dog but I enjoyed the one I ate while sat on the floor by Kit, the car from Knight Rider, and watching some of The Walking Dead panel on the big screen above my head.

On our way back over the the autograph area, we spotted some really cool cosplayers including, among many others, the Sanderson sisters. While Sarah in line for her to get autos from Sara Canning and Kayla Ewell, we noticed Daniel was at his autograph table at a time we didn’t expect. The official schedule had him there from 5-6pm but from what we heard people say, he was using some of his break time to try and clear some of the queues (he’s such a considerate guy!) Needless to say, this, and therefore he, made a lot of people VERY happy. Kayla and Sara were away doing photos so as Sarah and I approached his table, I said to him: “Hello again” as I passed him the book I’d had Charles sign, something I also told him. “I didn’t get to do the panel with him,” Daniel replied, sounding genuinely sad about said fact. After he signed, his name, I asked if he’d mind signing it to me; to Rebecca and he said: “Of course, I’m so sorry.” He said something about his head – being scrambled I think – and Sarah and I both said we understood and that he’d had an incredibly busy day already. Having worn a Coming Home In The Dark face mask in her pic with him earlier, Sarah handed him a CHITD t-shirt and programme from the UK premiere of the movie which she attended as part of the Frightfest Festival a few weeks back and he looked so happy to receive them.

A short time later Sara and Kayla returned to their tables. While standing beside Sarah as she got her Kayla auto, Sarah remarked that it was for her daughter (she got both her and Sara to sign a TVD book) who was 12 and that she was 36. When I remarked that I was 35, Kayla grinned and told us: “You look great for 35!” I happened to mention that I’d met her about 10 years ago at an Insurgence convention in Birmingham. “Oh my God, yes!” she exclaimed with a grin. I told her I still had our photo and she said: “Let’s take another.” I asked if she was sure and she was all for it: “Absolutely!” I wasn’t expecting her to be so willing I must admit, but handing Sarah my phone, we duly got said pic together.

Zach was a few tables away, so we went over to him next. “Nice to see you again Zach,” I told him. “I met you for the first time 10 years ago in Birmingham.” He looked at me and smiled. “No way!” he replied. “The only places I’ve ever been in the UK are London, here and Birmingham.” Sarah handed him the TVD book to sign and he chose to sign the pic of a tombstone, explaining to us that his family business was headstones. Neither Sarah or I could tell if he was joking or not, something Sarah told him, and he really was serious. He said that it was a business passed down through several generations, from his great-grandfather. “My family home,” I shared, as he looked at me., “used to belong to the village undertaker.” The guy sat on Zach’s right, who I believe was a family member, looked genuinely surprised. “No…” he said and I nodded. “We found his gold-plated Bible in the attic years ago and sold it at an auction.” This in turn had Zach tell us that he has a farmhouse on land that was part of the underground railroad; a network of routes, places and people that helped the enslaved in the American South escape to the North. “I’m just a country boy from Ohio,” he said with a laugh.

Day one was starting to draw to a close so Sarah and I headed back to our hotel and rest up for a bit before we headed back out later in the evening. The sold-out after party was held at a place called Camp and Furnace, a few minutes’ walk from the CC and ECL. By the time we arrived around half 8, the venue was already considerably full with cosplayers and regularly dressed party-goers alike enjoying each-others’ company and a drink – Sarah and I enjoyed a Scarlet Witch cocktail – I recommend you try one if you go – and a great playlist that included songs such as “Dynamite” by BTS, “Rollin’” by Limp Bizkit and of course, “YMCA” by The Village People, which had the masses singing, dancing and doing the routine.

There was also a Catwalk/Karaoke Cosplay, which was quite rightly (imo – and that of the rest of the crowd judging by their response to him) won by Freddie Mercury. DJ Aaron Hayes also ensured the mood of the night stayed upbeat and jovial and he earned himself a huge cheer when he stepped out from behind his set-up and danced.

Sunday rolled around and thankfully, after the late start and queue issues etc. of yesterday, that many shared their experiences of on social media, the entry process was much smoother for everyone, helped by the fact that they opened the doors around 15 minutes earlier than scheduled and because people had a better of idea of where queues for various ticket holders were.

As they had been on the Saturday, the queues for Daniel’s photo sessions were, for lack of a better term, crazy, but really well run by photographer Amy and Toni who was managing the queues and guiding fans into the shoot space; both women were top-level professional and friendly. Sarah very kindly invited me in on her second pic again, and, with it having been announced that there was a ‘no contact’ rule in place (many found this a little strange as it wasn’t the case yesterday) we set ourselves the required distance apart from Daniel. However, when we got the printed pic, practically half of me was missing. While I headed off to the CC to get my Summer and Phoebe autographs before their shoots later, Sarah went and spoke to customer services and the lovely lady running it arranged for myself and Sarah to have the pic retaken.

As I went up to Summer, I complimented her on her cute white sweater, and we had a bit of a chat about how she was enjoying her time in Liverpool. I passed her the second book I had brought with me and asked if she could sign it to me. “Yes, of course,” she said, asking me to write my name down so she could do it right. Approaching Phoebe, I told her she looked beautiful to which she smiled and said “Thank you so much.” I asked if she was enjoying Liverpool and she replied: “I haven’t seen much of it yet, but if I finish early enough today, I might get to see more. We did go out to dinner last night though, that was lovely.” I explained that my room-mate and I had been at the after-party last night and had two bottles of wine as well so we were “feeling it” today; she laughed.

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The Area A photo shoots were running a little behind schedule – about 15 minutes – but I didn’t mind the wait as I had queued up early and was first in line for my pic with Phoebe. As I had with Charles, I stood back-to-back with her, and I’m pretty happy with how the pic turned out.

I head back over to the ECL to find Sarah so we could have our Daniel pic redone, and as we were walked through the back part of the shoot set (where the photos are printed), one of the team members there, a guy, looked at us and said: “Back again?” With a laugh, he glanced over at Daniel who was taking a moment’s break to send a message on his phone, and added: “I think you’ve got some groupies here mate!” This time it was our turn to laugh. As Dan put his phone away, he stepped forward and told him: “Retake for these ladies.” Dan turned to look at us as we walked over. “Hello again,” he said with a smile. “What are we doing?” We all made the horn signs again, and with the photo taken, as we thanked him, he looked at me as said: “Thank you so much; I’m so sorry it’s a factory today.” The pic turned out much better.

From there we headed to photo op Area B for the TVD group photo for which we were first in line. We were made to stand in front, either side of Zach. As we collected the pic, we spotted the DJ from last night, Aaron Hayes, who was attending for the day with his daughter, and we got chatting. Sarah showed him the video of him dancing she’d taken. We then headed back over to the CC as I had a photo with Summer. I was again first in line and, with ‘no contact’, I got her to make peace signs with me instead.

We headed back over to ECL to see if Dan was at his auto table early like he had been yesterday and discussed an idea for for one of her two autographs; we’d fundraised for him/in his name before (as GO) so we felt he’d appreciate it if we raffled one of the autos off for a charity of his choice. Since Dan was still doing photos, we decided it was a good time to refuel and we each got a portion of scampi and chips from the 1702 kitchen, taking them up the stairs to the seating/viewing area which gave us a birds-eye view of the bustling floor. We also met Batman on the way back down. Walking behind us, as we noticed him he said: “Don’t panic” and we couldn’t help but laugh.


Having worked out that she’d likely have a token left over after her auto later, we went to the customer services/guest relations desk to confirm and a very helpful young lady informed her that the token could be kept and used at any other upcoming cons run by Monopoly Events. We took another walk around the trader stalls, admiring artwork by the likes of Psycho Spray and meeting a whole lot more fantastic cosplayers.

We then headed back towards the autograph tables and sure enough, Dan was there. When we approached the table, the assistant wrote Sarah’s name down ready for personalisation. Sarah asked: “Could you please sign these?” as she set down the two photos. “Ah man, yes absolutely, I’ll sign these,” he replied, with a grin. “If you could sign one to me, Sarah, and then the other one, I’m the main admin of GO!-“ she began only for Dan to proudly proclaim: “I love you guys.” “We’ve decided that we’re gonna raffle this off to raise money for a charity which we’d like you to pick,” Sarah explained. “Which one do you want?” Dan asked her, and she chose the landscape image. He began signing only for Sarah to say: “That’s not my name,” – he’d written Darcie. “Shit!” he said and pointed at the list of names on the table. He turned to the assistant beside him, asking: “Can you cross them off?” Then to Sarah: “Do you have another one?” “No.” “I’m so sorry.” “Don’t worry, just sign my name there, and I can crop the top.” He was so apologetic, and then he wrote the following:

He went to the other pic and he asked what we wanted him to write. Sarah explained again about the raffle and asked him to name a charity. He replied: “I can’t name one right now as I’m between two at the moment,” so Sarah said: “Write whatever you like and we’ll raffle it off.” His message: ‘GO! Love these folks!’ “What else can I write?” he queried, before adding ‘thank you.’ He asked: “Does that work?” Sarah replied: “It’s signed more to us –“ “Shit!” he cried again. “But it’s okay,” Sarah reasoned. “We’ll keep it, I’ll copy it to give Rebecca a copy and we’ll send one to Norma.” “Oh please do I’m so sorry, I feel like I totally fucked it up now.” The poor man was clearly bothered by the error and incredibly apologetic. “No, it’s fine,” we both told him. With a sigh, he looked at us, smiled and said: “I’m so sorry, but thank you much guys.”  We thanked him, gave him our best wishes and headed away.

Our final interaction of the weekend was with the photo security guy from earlier, the one who had called us “groupies.” He spotted us as we walked over and grinned. “Oh you guys again?!” he said humorously. We laughed. “You called us groupies earlier,” Sarah told him. “We actually run a fan-site for Daniel, so I’m gonna give you one of our stickers.” She took one out of her bag and stuck it on the left side of his shirt. “Love it!” he replied with a smirking smile. Sarah explained about the fundraising we do for Daniel through the site and the friendships he’d helped us establish, including how we planned to go over to the States and meet our third admin, Norma, hopefully in the not-too-distant future. He looked impressed. “That’s awesome,” he told us. As Sarah mentioned I was covering this event for the press and how I was considering trying to fit his earlier comment about us in somewhere, she asked him for his name, which he told us was David, and we took a selfie. Motioning to the sticker, we told him: “Wear it with pride – Dan will know where it came from.” David smiled. “He’ll see it when I go and bring him back from over there,” he replied, pointing to his autograph table. “See you again.” With that, our time at Liverpool Comic Con had come to an end.

The postponement of the con due to Covid was a disappointment to many, myself included, however it was done and had to be so for and with good reason. There’s a saying that absence makes the heart grow fonder, and going by the huge smiles on the faces of thousands of delighted fans across the two days, it rang particularly true to all of them; the wait to meet their favourites, as it was for myself and Sarah, was more than worth it.

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Putting on an event of this size is no mean feat and I just have to give a special mention and shout-out to the organisers, Monopoly Events. Their staff across the weekend were brilliant, both in assisting myself and others with any queries, and just generally working to ensure that everyone in attendance had the best time possible. There’s absolutely no doubt, in my mind at least, that, despite the late start on Saturday and, as several people pointed out, not particularly great access or cut-throughs for disabled visitors (it’s quite a walk between and around the CC and ECL), they most certainly did that. The excitement is already building for next years’ event in May with tickets on sale now and Joseph Morgan, Tom Welling, Matthew Morrison, Heather Morris, Mark Lester and Shani Wallis already announced as guests. See you there?

Featured photo credits: myself and Sarah Richards.

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