Dancer, Singer, and actor Marque “Tate” Lynche has passed away, PopWrapped has exclusively confirmed. Lynche starred in multiple seasons of Disney Channel’s The All-New Mickey Mouse Club, alongside some of Hollywood’s biggest names, including Britney Spears, Ryan Gosling, Chasen Hampton, Christina Aguilera, Justin Timberlake, Marc Worden, and Rhona Bennett. Lynche also appeared on Broadway, captivated audiences on American Idol as a semi-finalist, and starred in numerous off-Broadway stage shows. Lynche’s cause of death has not yet been revealed.
Our thoughts and prayers are with the entire Lynche family, as well as Lynche’s extended Mickey Mouse Club family. Additional details will be added as they become available.
Founder/CEO of PopWrapped Entertainment Group. Musician, Entertainment Manager, Vinyl Head, Video Game Addict. My opinions should be yours.