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UPDATED: Fan Fiction Authors Sign To New Publishing House, Interlude Press


Aedan Juvet

Senior Staff Writer


Do you ever find yourself immersed into detailed fan fictions wishing they were an actual book? If so your wish may come true! Fan fictions are written works that tell stories of favorite characters that are reworked to that particular authors liking. For example, if one was unhappy with a show, movie, or anime current direction or ending, they may decide to write their own take on the stories and publish them online for the world to see. Fan fiction has always been a niche genre, but has thousands and thousands of loyal readers to enjoy fan-penned works, especially for romantic innuendos. Typically when a favorite character from a story has romantic implications but aren’t acted on or are subtle, a fan fiction may free ones ideas of how that potential relationship can play out.

Today, a new publishing house called Interlude Press announced that they will in fact be signing fan fiction authors featured online to their company, and will be publishing their new original works through multiple platforms. The publishers are LGBTQ based, and found their writers mainly through the Glee fandom, but have made it clear they intend to choose authors will various storytelling interests.

According to the Interlude Press website, they will respect the original stories, and will allow these authors to come up with a completely new original stories and characters. IP goes on to say that they wish to give dedicated and talented fan fic authors the chance to see their ideas published for their hard work and imagination, giving new writers publishing experience.

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While the idea is extremely intriguing, not much more of their process has surfaced, noting that they already have authors but are legally not allowed to discuss future works. They do say that we can expect the first published story from the publishing house sometime in July, with stories mapped out for future publication through summer of 2015.

Personally, I’m extremely hopeful for the new publishers, and always excited for writers to gain new experience, but we’ll have to wait and see how Interlude Press handles their authors, and what fandoms they will create and possibly inspire fan fictions for their own works. Are you excited for fan fiction authors catching a break?

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  • Senior Staff Writer for PopWrapped, with a penchant for K-pop, the horror genre, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, television, comics, and anime.

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