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Lana Love Shares The Video For “Ego Go”

“…Directed by Michael Rainin, we were able to capture the imperfect perfection the piece required.”

Lana Love’s passion for music began to make itself known at a very early age – by four she was obsessed with ‘Phantom of The Opera’ and by the age of seven, she’d written her first song. As a teen, she was a performer in several musical productions by Disney and Nickelodeon and she later studied music at the University of Florida and the American Music Theater and Dramatic Academy in New York. Now a fully- fledged artist – singer/songwriter, pianist and musician – she’ll drop her self-titled EP on October 1, but ahead of its release, PopWrapped are delighted to premiere the video for her latest single “Ego Go.”

Lana says of the track and the message of its video: “Ego Go is a requiem for the intangible pursuit of perfection. It’s an internal dialogue between the Ego and Self. An honest, hard look in the mirror at the fears and flaws that make us human. All that beauty fades in a minute anyhow. No one has the answers. No one has it figured out. We all get scared, but we are not alone. My concept for this video was inspired by the Greek Mythology story of Narcissus – Hence the word Narcism, or Ego. Narcissus fell so deeply in love with his reflection that he drowned in the lake he betrothed. American Ballet Theatre’s Elina Golde plays the impenetrable Ego, and I play my Self. Directed by Michael Rainin, we were able to capture the imperfect perfection the piece required.”

She goes onto add that: “Ego Go” is the first track I played keys on myself. The song was written in a 10 min free-flow, sitting in a puddle of tears on my bedroom floor. There’s something unrefined about it, unlike the restraints of classical technique I grew up in. Simple and raw. There is virtually no tuning on the vocals and no definitive beat aside from the piano chords and pulsing cellos. I wanted the track to feel the way it did at conception: an earthquake of emotion.”

Check out the video for “Ego Go” below and for more information on Lana, visit her website, give her page a like on Facebook or follow her on Twitter and Instagram.

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