“Stones To Abbigale” is a romance story that was released in March. It is a fictional story written by famous, controversial, YouTuber Onision and edited by his wife Lainey. Unfortunately, Onision’s status on the internet means that his book rarely gets a fair review since the majority of it’s readers are either fans or haters of Onision’s YouTube and Twitter content.
Googling reviews for this book will yield essays upon essays about how Onision is a terrible human, as well as unrealistically positive views on the book. With that in mind, let us approach this review from a strictly neutral perspective.
The main character is a highly cynical high schooler called James. The character comes across as mildly autistic when he narrates. James doesn’t understand the people around him or their actions and just tries to take each day as it comes. Everything changes, though it is hard to say for better or worse when he meets Abbigale.
Abbigale is a rape victim who has been discriminated against and bullied by the school counselor for reasons beyond her control. She becomes his high maintenance girlfriend and the story is about the evolution of their relationship as disaster after disaster occurs around them.
The story is highly emotive and shocking at times. Unfortunately, the narration often doesn’t quite convey the full impact of the events occurring. There isn’t much ‘Show, don’t tell’ in this book which I personally feel is a mistake. Characters outside of the James-Abbigale bubble often fade into the background without memorable traits.
The protagonist is comparable to ‘Holden’ from J.D Salinger’s book “The Catcher In The Rye”. The actual storyline is bittersweet but suffers intensely from poor editing and grammar. While the lack of editing is very noticeable it is rarely very disruptive to the flow of reading. The book often comes across as a draft because of this and feels like something one would find on Fanfiction.net. It has many beautiful quotes in it as well as gruesome moments. I would say it’s target audience should be teenage girls.
The story is enjoyable and this book does not deserve the hatred that it is receiving. I would give it a straight down the middle score of 5 out of 10. I recommend getting a trained editor to go through the book and then rereleasing it. This book is not perfect, but when books like “Fifty Shades Of Grey” and” Twilight” make it on to shelves we can hardly turn this romance story down for grammar’s sake.
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