Achieving over a billion streams is something that many artists might perceive as unattainable, but South Korean soloist SHAUN has not only hit that milestone – but a total of four times that amount (so far). Tackling the scope of various forms of art, SHAUN now officially wears many hats as a singer-songwriter, DJ, and producer, with millions of reliable fans and industry knowledge dating back to his introduction in 2010.
On his road to personal and professional successes, SHAUN has been deemed as the most-streamed male artist in K-pop for two (2019-2020), setting him up for a future with bountiful, chart-worthy content. In 2018, the singer’s career rapidly accelerated his involvement in the industry, placing him at No. 1 on Gaon for his single “Way Back Home” and opening the door for even more unique opportunities. One of which, included an official remix with Ed Sheeran on “Bad Habits [SHAUN Remix]” the following year, thus maintaining his music on Gaon’s notable Top 20 releases. On the always increasing Spotify platform alone, SHAUN has presently garnered over 3 million monthly listeners to his music, keeping his numbers high and his talent greatly appreciated.
Since he’s now proven his constant adaptability and artistry, SHAUN was able to take a beat for himself, before releasing his two-track EP #0055b7 with one song featuring fellow superstar soloist (and recent Suran collaborator) Wonstein. On the heels of his previous release and ahead of 2022, we spoke to SHAUN about his promising creative process, and his major industry moves leading up to #0055b7.

You’ve garnered a lot of experience in different platforms as a DJ, producer, singer-songwriter, and more – did you always have such a range of musical aspirations?
SHAUN: Since childhood, I have been doing music very naturally and consistently. I started my career as a player (instruments) first, always happy listening to music, but I discovered that the best thing about it was making new music. After I became interested in making music, playing and listening became all things that lead me to make the music. DJ, Producer, Singer-Songwriter, and Guitarist all have different names but can be considered all on the same page, so in that respect, I think my journey thus far was necessary for me to be where I am today. I am not sure what kind of role I will have and my work in the future, but one thing is for sure, it’s really fun to create something new.
When it comes to inspiration for a song that you’re solely responsible for – what do you think is a recurring starting point for you? (a beat, melody, etc.)
SHAUN: My experience and everything that surrounds me is a great subject for inspiration, when I chat with someone or even watching movies sometimes inspires me. The point where I begin my work varies as well. Sometimes I record a melody that comes to mind and save it as it is, or I work on the beat first and then add other instruments to develop the song. There are also songs that I wrote that I barely remembered the melody because I heard it in my dream. It’s pretty tough to say general points where I start working on music, there are so many different beginnings and developments but it is the inspiration that always surrounds me.
You’ve become one of the most respected and well-rounded soloists in Asia, which is no easy achievement! What would you say was a moment when you realized that your career had gone from working towards establishing yourself – to actually feeling like you reached this exciting evolution?
SHAUN: My journey always went beyond the direction I had envisioned and took me to an unexpected place, but I have very much so enjoyed the trip thus far. I never wanted to be a singer that everyone knows. However, I look at it like I have been doing things that musicians do like practicing, finding new music, and making new music.
For me, ‘success’ is something that I can feel from the perspective of others. I believe it’s a very good thing for many people to remember my music and pay attention to my moves, but I continue to make the music I want to make, express, and create it freely. To be able to do this, you must start making something and finish something every day. For me, ‘success’ is not a grandiose thing. It’s my success to create the bass sound I wanted to make or to complete a favorite song with a good melody I was or am working on. If it’s a success to make a lot of money, become a person everyone knows, and be loved a lot, I can’t even imagine the emptiness I’ll feel when I achieve all of it.
For me, If the music is well known and I made a lot of money, the money is an opportunity for me to work on other projects. If you’ve become a person everyone on the streets knows, it’s a good opportunity to introduce the next work. There is so much music that I want to make in the future, I am intoxicated with the sense of victory that overcomes me when I have done something. I’m creating something new every day. Therefore, I am successful every day.

You’ve also become one of the most-streamed male K-pop soloists in recent years and I’m sure that has to feel like a nice added bonus to your list of accomplishments! With music consumption drastically changing (streaming, Tik Tok, etc.) do you believe that to be an important factor for artists to consider?
SHAUN: I think numbers and platforms are things to think about after the music is made. The most important thing is what the music means to the creator himself. The music industry has been supplying music to people in various ways for many years now. I think streaming platforms and TikTok are simply a medium of delivery and marketing for musicians. I think there will be nothing more unfortunate than if you make a hit song to only see good results on TikTok. What the artist should pay attention to is observing how people around them are living in this world. When it comes to me and making music, I like to concentrate on what I feel and want to express in this world.
Of course, I have a very positive idea that such streaming services and SNS allow me to meet and connect with many new people that I would never have before. However, if I try to solely focus on a part of the world where such changes are very fast, I think I would need to be careful because it can shake my center. That being said, I want to meet many people by creating good TikTok content as much as I can. I don’t know how well I can do on social media, but I’m always happy to meet new people in new ways.
Your releases earlier in the year had a nice balance of genres! The track “Blue (feat. Wonstein)” has an edgier rock sound that really feels like a new exciting space for you! Would you say this was more of an experimental moment – or something you’d be interested in returning to?
SHAUN: First, I knew I wanted to make the song very simple and groovy. I started with the idea that people would be able to enjoy the vibes and thought it will be good if it was a short song that lasts about 2 minutes instead of a large-scale arrangement. Thankfully, I had a chance to meet Wonstein through a good relationship and was able to reach out for a feature. The few regrets I have while working on this was that it was a severe pandemic period at the time of the work, so we completed the music by exchanging opinions over the wire and I feel like I was not flexible enough to lead the process in a more interesting and fun way since I was not familiar with collaboration in this way. However, I was glad that Wonstein showed a great performance with his color and let me complete the song in various ways.
Then there’s “Closed Ending” and it offers a sweet, soft side of your identity as an artist! What were your initial hope/goals for that particular song?
The creative method that ‘I’ll make a similar track to “Way Back Home” because it received a good response’ was not in line with my values. However, I thought about everyone who helped me go through difficult times and imagine when they listened to “Closed Ending” it is the song that reached out to those people and make them feel that I’m saying, ‘Thank you then, I’m doing well.’ by similar feeling with “Way Back Home”. I think there are still many things I can show with sweet and soft feelings as my identity. I hope to greet many listeners with more various tracks next year!
Of course, there are some really incredible unique EDM tracks in your discography as well (like my personal favorites “Nocturnal”, or “Bad Habits”) can fans expect more of that style in the future?
SHAUN: Of course! I will continue my activities as a DJ along with as a singer-songwriter, so I keep making tracks that I can play on stage as a DJ. I’ve worked on a lot of tracks lately and expect to meet everyone on stage with new tracks next year. You can look forward to it – I really like “Nocturnal” and “Bad Habits” too!

What can you tell us about any potential upcoming projects that you’re excited about?
SHAUN: Recently, I successfully completed the journey of having many songwriting sessions in LA. The nice weather and good vibes made it so wonderful to work with massive writers and producers. I met so many good people and had good relationships while I was out there. The trip definitely made me decide to travel much more often from place to place to meet the world and make music with many new people. Of course, there are many plans for next year. The collaboration track that I worked on in LA will also be released, and I am also planning for online performances.
I hope you can keep an eye on my Instagram (@shaunthehuman) and keep an eye out for my upcoming plans for next year! The past two years have been really hard and long for everyone, but I believe it will be better soon. I hope everyone stays healthy and happy until the day I come to you with my new music.
Check out SHAUN’s Spotify page here to stream his timeless hits and promising future content!
Senior Staff Writer for PopWrapped, with a penchant for K-pop, the horror genre, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, television, comics, and anime.