Buddy the elf, what’s your favourite pasta? Apparently not this, according to Andrew Rea, a popular food vlogger, who recently decided to try making everyone’s favourite elf’s special candy covered spaghetti. Considering how iconic Elf and that scene is, I’m surprised no one has tried it sooner. But I guess we all — Rea included — kind of knew it would be gross.
In the quick two minute YouTube video that is part of his Binging With Babish video series, in which he makes crazy foods from various movies and TV shows, Rea makes and tastes a serving of pasta made just like Buddy made in Elf. In case you’re wondering, OliverBabish is Rea’s Reddit username, where he got a lot of his following.
In his video, Rea says that Buddy’s spaghetti is the worst thing he has ever eaten or made, and that’s saying something considering he’s a pretty good cook. Watch the amusing video below.
He makes it look good, or presentable at least, but I trust him when he says it’s disgusting. I have a feeling that it would be marginally better if the spaghetti was made without tomato sauce. I don’t think tomatoes mix well with maple syrup and chocolate sauce. But Buddy made it with tomato sauce, so it had to be done. Humans just are not able to eat such sugary foods like Santa’s elves, I guess.
I applaud Andrew Rea for being so brave and actually eating this dish, and I will definitely be keeping an eye on his channel to see what other weird pop-culture foods he dares to try.
Has Rea and his video inspired any of you to try Buddy’s dish for yourself or do you intend to never let such a monstrosity near you?