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Star Trek Sequel Details To Remain Under Wrap!


Melissa LoParco

Staff Writer

If there is one thing the Star Trek team is good at it is keeping secrets.

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Damon Lindelof, the writer of the film, fully supports J.J. Abrams choice to try and not reveal too many details. He told the Los Angeles Times that, “It’s not just keeping the secret for secrecy’s sake. It’s not giving the audience information that the characters don’t have.”

He continues by explaining that when you give away a major plot point, like let’s say a certain villain everyone has been dying to figure out (hem hem), it gives the audience, “a five-second rush of exhilaration followed by four months of being completely and totally bummed out…That’s why they’re called ‘spoilers,’ they’re not called ‘awesomes’.”

And tight lipped the team has been. The only thing we know about Benedict Cumberbatch’s character is that his name is John Harrison. Lindelof jokingly told the reporter that, “Benedict doesn’t even know who he’s playing.”

When Lindelof was asked what he could divulge about the movie, which is being released on May 17th (May 9th for those lucky enough to live in the U.K.), he said:

“If the first movie was about meeting and introductions, this movie is about becoming a family. The title of the movie is not just about the mission that the Enterprise is going on but what happens when you get to know each other a little better and the hurdles you must jump over in order to truly become family.”

Do you like how the Star Trek team isn’t talking? Or do you prefer to be spoiled? Let us know! (COMING SOON!) (COMING SOON!)

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