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Our PopWrapped staffer, Lisa, took on the brave task of tasting ALL the new Lay's Do Us A Flavor chips that hit stores this month, and here are her result.

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Taste Test Review- 2015 New Lay’s Chip Flavors

Our PopWrapped staffer, Lisa, took on the brave task of tasting ALL the new Lay’s Do Us A Flavor chips that hit stores this month, and here are her result.

For unique and different food flavor seekers such as myself, this is an exciting week. Lay’s has released their four newest installments of fan suggested chip flavors which will face head to head in a poll to deem one of them a permanent flavor on store shelves.

This is the third time Lay’s brand potato chips has launched this type of promotion. It starts with suggestions submitted online, then narrowed down to a final four in which only one will triumph. As someone who races to the store to try every new Oreo flavor and enjoyed each and every Mt. Dew flavor to hit shelves, I was eager to try all of these chips out.

The four this year are inspired by regions of the U.S. They are Southern Biscuits and Gravy, New York Reuben, Greektown Gyro and West Coast Truffle Fries. Let’s not waste any more time – on to the taste test review!

Southern Biscuits and Gravy: I am most curious about this flavor since it is one of my favorite foods… but does it translate into a bite size chip? Upon opening the bag, the smell is very peppery with a slight hint of gravy. The initial first taste is actually surprisingly mild. After a handful, I could finally get a slight after taste that is familiar to a sausage gravy but is missing a creamier taste and no real biscuit hints at all. Not overly impressed, I had higher hopes for this one.

New York Reuben: Woah. This SMELLS like a Reuben. It has a clear corned beef and dressing aroma. My first bite – a strong rye flavor. As I chew. I can definitely taste the Russian dressing with a slight but not overpowering beef broth taste. There is a hint of sour which I can only assume is the sauerkraut, but it is subtle. In my opinion, they hit the mark perfectly in terms of achieving the flavor they were going for. Could I eat an entire bag is a harder question to answer.

Greektown Gyro: It smells like I walked into my favorite Greek deli. These chips are a different texture than the others because they’re kettle cooked. I’m not sure if cooking it this style adds to the flavor, but it seems to be a big punch right out of the gate. I can taste the tzatziki dressing the most with a hint of smoked meat. There are other flavors in there, but I’m not sure exactly what they are. At times, it reminds me of tomatoes or the very least a vegetable seasoning. All in all, it is a solid flavor, but I’m not sure if it reminds me of a gyro. It does, however, make a decent chip flavor which is the main objective.

West Coast Truffle Fries: Like the gyro flavor, these chips are also a different texture, they are wavy. At first whiff, the smell is a bit lackluster. I guess because it’s chips flavored like another potato product I can’t expect too much. Upon first bite, I’m already bored. They taste like an overly seasoned… french fry. The flavor of parmesan cheese is the most notable followed by a potato skin aftertaste. There is an oily taste that lingers, which I assume is supposed to be the truffle flavor. I like it, but I don’t find it any more exciting that most other chip flavors.

Overall review, I would have to dub the New York Reuben as my personal favorite unique flavor. My least favorite would have to be the Southern Biscuits and Gravy, not because they tasted bad, but because they fell short to taste like their claim. If I had to guess right now what will be the biggest crowd pleaser is going to be I’d put my money on the West Coast Truffle Fries. While a bit on the boring side, they were really good and something I could actually see myself enjoying alongside a nice sandwich or shoveling handfuls of them into my mouth during a Netflix binge.

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Only time will tell which can win over Lay’s fans. In the meantime, be sure to snag these treats to try for yourself while you still can!

If you have tried them already, which was your favorites? Let us know!

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