Opening with “Precious Curse,” this five-piece from New York introduce this collection in rather surprising fashion. Instead of kicking things off with a number that might encourage listeners to sing or tap their feet along with, The Bone Chimes begin with a piece which is somewhat sombre and acoustic. It’s not until after the first verse that the beat picks up at all, but by that point, they’ve run the risk of some people skipping over the track in search of something a little more enjoyable.
Such is found via “Reach Out.” From the second it starts, there’s a rhythm to the track that’s hard to get out of your head, and although the lyrics and vocal performance aren’t anything spectacular, it’s the beat that will likely lure listeners in.
“High Line,” meanwhile, presents a much better vocal delivery from Tobi D’Amore, and the instrumentation ensures the piece comes across as catchy and perfect for radio airplay.
It’s a little disappointing, therefore, to see the band then veer away from the more upbeat pieces they’ve proven they can do so well to deliver “Walk Away.” It’s not that the song itself is bad, but in comparison to the two which have gone before it, there’s no denying it’s lacking that little something that would really make it work.
The latest release, “Hold On,” ends the collection on a rather rocky note and is a good demonstration of how the group aren’t afraid to experiment with different styles and sounds, something which may yet prove useful in their efforts to win over more fans.
The Bone Chimes will be available on Tuesday (July 7).