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barry allen and wally west in the flash episode 06x14 the death of the speed force
barry allen and wally west in the flash episode 06x14 the death of the speed force


The Flash: 06×14, The Death of The Speed Force 

This week on The Flash, Wally West returns to Central City after feeling a disturbance in the Speed Force, and he’s surprisingly zen about it.

This week on The Flash, Wally West returns to Central City after feeling a disturbance in the Speed Force, and he’s surprisingly zen about it. After making a grand entrance, disassembling a helicopter mid-flight to keep it from crashing by multiplying himself, Team Flash throws Wally a Welcome Home party at S.T.A.R. Labs. Cisco also returns home from his post-Crisis fact-finding mission. Now the party is for both Wally and Cisco. Barry and Wally volunteer to quickly clean up after the party when Barry’s powers go on the fritz again. Barry says it was just a hiccup. 

However, Wally tells Barry it was more than just a hiccup—the Speed Force is dying. Wally takes Barry into the Speed Force and it tells him that it’s dying because of something Barry did. Initially, Barry assumes that it was back when he let Ramsey take control and he attacked the Speed Force. Of course, Barry is going to beat himself up over this, but Wally does too. Barry goes back into the Speed Force with Gideon’s help and the Speed Force tells him that it was Crisis that led to the death of the Speed Force. When Barry used the Spectre’s energy during Crisis, the energy corrupted it. This choice saved the universe but now Barry and Wally are going to lose their speed (again). 

Meanwhile, Cisco’s early return was prompted by him tracking down a Russian socialite villain, Turtle 2.0. Even Barry was disappointed with this villain’s name. Turtle 2.0 can slow time and trap people or things in bubbles of frozen time. Once they’re trapped, she can age them very quickly. Turtle 2.0 goes to CCPD to kill another member of her old gang, capturing Joe in the process. The Flash and Kid Flash show up, using their now limited powers sparingly, and put Turtle 2.0 in her place. It was really great to see Barry and Wally fighting together again. 

But there’s still more going on. Nash has been seeing ghosts of Wells past for the past few weeks and now he decides to go to Cisco for help. Cisco brushes him off as he is too preoccupied with stopping Turtle 2.0. However, he agrees to help after Caitlin talks to him. When Cisco goes to help Nash, he finds that Eobard Thawne has taken over Nash’s body. Thawne attacks Cisco but because he is in Nash’s body, he has no powers. Cisco captures him and throws him in the pipeline. When Barry arrives at the pipeline, Thawne says he (still) wants to kill Barry and his friends and family. Thawne really needs a new life goal. Thawne also seems to know that the Speed Force died and brags about how he doesn’t need the Speed Force because he has is own. This gives Barry an idea: if Thawne can design his own Speed Force, why can’t he?

As for Mirror Iris, Real Iris is still trapped in the mirror with Eva. Before Wally leaves, he tells Joe to keep an eye on Iris because he suspects that something’s not right with her. At the end of the episode, Kamila is going through photos on her camera and discovers that photos of Mirror Iris look like glass. Mirror Iris sneaks up behind Kamila at The Citizen and shoots her with a mirror gun. Hopefully someone figures out that Iris isn’t Iris soon. 

Photo from The CW


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    Delaney is a recent graduate of the University of Toronto and has loved TV and movies for as long as she can remember. She may or may not keep a colour coded spreadsheet of all the pop culture things she consumes every year. Delaney spent the first six months of 2018 in Australia and then she wrote a book about it (“Here, There, and Everywhere” is available on Amazon print or e-book). She is currently working on her first screenplay and hopes to work on a movie or TV set one day.

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