The multi award-winning drama Yes, starring ‘Modern Family’s Nolan Gould, and Tim Realbuto, tells the story of alcoholic, pill-popping, washed up, ex-child star Patrick Nolan, played by Tim Realbuto, who is begrudgingly dragged from his nearly uninhabitable apartment by his sister Annie (Jenna Leigh Green) to see his niece in her high school production of ‘Romeo and Juliet.’ Starring as Romeo is 17-year-old Jeremiah (Nolan Gould), who immediately catches Patrick’s eye. Patrick, who was involved in a scandal involving a minor years earlier – which ruined his career and his life – decides to mentor Jeremiah. What begins as an innocent acting lesson turns into something much more dangerous, and a love affair of two surprisingly common minds. The destruction, or salvation, of the two main characters will last a lifetime.
Yes has won over 30 awards, including several for Best Picture, Best Director (Rob Margolies), and Best Leading Actor for Realbuto. Most recently, Yes took home Best Picture, Best Actor and Best Director at the Hollywood Moving Image Awards, while Realbuto won Best Actor in a Leading Role at the IndieFEST Film Awards.
Below, star of the film Tim Realbuto talks about the appeal of the movie, how he feels watching his own work back and his thoughts on the future of film.
How many months have you been on the promo trail for the film now?
We started the film festival circuit in June of 2019 and it’s been non-stop ever since.
Is it something you enjoy – talking about the movie?
Of course. The movie is my baby.
In terms of the film itself, how close to it are you? Is it like a child you’re sending out into the world?
Exactly! You want it to be out there in the world, but you’re also terrified and want to keep it close and protected.
Do you find it hard to watch your own work back?
Sometimes. I’m very hard on myself and I always want to change something I’ve done.
To the conception of the project. What was it about this particular project that appealed to you?
I wanted to shine a light on some topics that don’t get talked about enough in cinema. I also really wanted to delve into the psyche of two very human characters.
Was there a check-list of things you HAD to have in the film?
Yes, I definitely had a vision. I had to let go of it once other people joined the team, but luckily I’m thrilled with the outcome.
Whose decision was it to cast Nolan Gould? Isn’t he fab!?
I’ll take credit for that. ‘Modern Family’ is one of my all-time favorite shows and I knew he’d be perfect for this. And yes, he is fab!
The film bowed on the big screen – Dances with Films, I believe?
Yes, Dances With Films in June of 2019.
Most audiences will be seeing it on digital. Will we all, at some time, be watching films on VOD only?
I definitely hope not. There’s something very special about going out to the movies and experiencing it with a room full of people.
Yes is available now via several digital and streaming platforms including Comcast, ITunes, Amazon Video Direct, Verizon Fios, Dish Network and Google Play. You can watch the trailer below.