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Top Ten Most Powerful Beings In Supernatural

We made a list of the ten most powerful beings in the tv series Supernatural. Monsters,gods, angels,who comes out on top? The answer may surprise you.

In its more thirteen seasons the series Supernatural has shown us probably the biggest collection of fantasy creatures in fictional television. There are gods, monsters, angels, demons even fairies and so many things we haven’t even heard of. 

This may be due to its length, it is after all the longest running fantasy/scifi series in the US and the writers have to come up with new beings to keep the show fresh. With that being said the show has featured some very powerful beings. Of course other shows of this type have done this before like Buffy, Charmed, Angel, The Vampire Diaries, but never really to the extent that Supernatural has.

So it may be worth knowing who the biggest hitters in this show is. Who are the most powerful? And most importantly with a bunch of nigh-omnipotent beings in the series who ranks at number one? Well read on to find out. Also just to be clear, we’ll be ranking each being based on their natural state and we will not be including those who got enhanced briefly like Metatron or Castiel.

10. Eve (The Mother of All)

Remember her? Essentially Eve is the source and creator of every monster that Sam and Dean has hunted down since the first season. She is far older than angels and demons and even has resistance to their power. Most importantly her skills at creation means she could build an army of supernatural beings from scratch and grant them abilities, she could also transform humans, not only that she has a telepathic link with all of her spawn, giving her absolute control over all of them.

9. Lilith

The first and most powerful demon and second only to Lucifer in hell’s heirarchy. Lilith was the main antagonist of the third and fourth season, she even succeded in killing Dean and was victorious even in death because she achieved her goal of releasing her master by tricking the Winchesters into killing her so that they would break the final seal (Lilith herself). 

She was also immune to most things that could harm demons, and had greater strength and abilities than any of them. She could even defeat angels and could alter reality since she could grant wishes in exchange for a soul like Crowley and the crossroads demons who were under her control at one point.

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8. Gabriel/Raphael

Archangels were probably the only beings that Lilith feared. And for good reason, these celestial brothers were nigh-omnipotent and could essentially alter reality or knock out the entire electric grid of the east coast without breaking a sweat.

Now the youngest ones, Gabriel who disguised himself as the Norse god Loki , and Raphael despite both being extremely powerful are actually bottom rung among the brothers though. I lumped both of them together which of the two of them is stronger.



The devil himself, who is actually an Archangel is probably the most effective  villain in the series. But we’ve only seen him at peak power only once when we got a glimpse of the future where his true vessel Sam is his host body. 

Still even without Sam, that the Devil has shown incredible power, dispatching demons, angels, pagan gods, and even his brother and fellow Archangel Gabriel at one point (although that was revealed to be a trick). 

6. Michael

The ruler of heaven, we didn’t get to see him go toe to toe with his brother Lucifer. But Apocalypse world Michael was shown to have defeated the devil in his own universe, and when the main world Lucifer went up against him he was easily dispatched, twice.

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And now that he is in his true vessel, Dean his power levels may have been raised to the point where he could probably go up in this list. But we’ll have to wait for the upcoming season to see what he could actually do

5. Death

The most powerful of the Four horsemen of the Apocalypse,Death is another Nigh-Omnipotent being who once stated that he considers Lucifer as nothing more than a spoiled child. Although there is a lot of inconsistency in the story regarding his age or power since he was bound to Lucifer by a spell and Amara at one point stated that she never knew him, so he may have come into existence after her imprisonment.

Regardless he has shown incredibly feats through the series, he caused an eclipse, andhe even created a weather anomaly that almost destroyed an entire state but held back just because he liked the pizza in Chicago.

4. Jack

The Arch-Nephilim Jack the son of Lucifer, has been stated numerous times as one of the most powerful beings in a ll of creation, Doctor Hess, one of the leaders of the British Men of Letters once stated that he might be capable of destroying the Universe. And the propher Donatello who has been in the presence of God and Amara once sensed jack’s power and mistook it for God’s.

Jack when he was still in the womb was able to grant Castiel enough power to destroy the Prince of Hell, Dagon. He was also able to recall Castiel from the empty, a void and realm where not even God or Amara has any dominion. And he was even able to overpower Michael during a confrontation in the bunker.

Still Dean with Michael half-possessing him was able to defeat Lucifer when he stole Jack’s power.So we are not sure if Michael with Dean as his true vessel may in effect be stronger? or maybe Jack who is still barely a year old may not yet have grown to his peak? Maybe we’ll get an answer as the series progresses/

3. Chuck (God)

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Chuck, the all powerful, creator of the Universe and everything in it, comes in at number three. Only in the Supernaturalverse can he be ranked at third. So who could actually go up against him in the power scale?

2. Amara (The Darkness)/ The Entity

In the series, Amara, God’s sister has stated that she is stronger than her brother. It actually took all four Archangels weakening her before Chuck was able to imprison her. And in direct confrontation with demons, angels, witches and Lucifer aiding Chuck she was able to overpower him. Although in a subsequent episode he did state that he was holding back by trying to imprison her and not kill her with the light of ten thousand suns that he could summon. And Amara did tell Dean that if God dies she dies with him, so their existence is practically co-dependent on each other, which tips the scale a bit but still Chuck still needs the aid of his most powerful creations to overpower Amara.

Then their is the Entity the absolute ruler of the void where Angels, demons, and other celestial beings end up when they die. This being seems to have absolute control over this place where God and Amara have no dominion whatsover. Only Jack was able to reach out to wake up Castiel in this place where everything aside from the Entity slumbers.

I put the two on equal terms since Amara has no power over the Empty, although we have no idea how much power the Entity has over the main universe, still it was able to send Castiel back when he woke up.

1. Dean Winchester

Surprised? But how can an ordinary human with no actual powers be the most powerful being in the Supernaturalverse?

Think about it, a lot of the powerful beings in this list were directly killed or defeated by Dean (with Sam’s help). Eve, Lucifer, Death were all killed by him.And now for the flipside it seems all the other Nigh-omnipotent beings are kind of in love with him enough to do him favors, Death and the new incarnation, Billie are fond of him. Jack loves him like a brother, Gabriel is friendly with him,so is Chuck, and as for Amara. He was able to convince her to save Chuck from the damage she did, and to reunite with him, with this act he prevented the destruction of the Universe. 

Oh and he is also Michael’s true vessel which if you watch the entire series is something he has used as leverage before. So essentially he has great influence over almost all the entities in this list, that is a kind of power, right?

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Do you agree with the list?

Supernaural’s 14th season premiers on October 11 in the CW.








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