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Grey’s Anatomy Meets The “Man On The Moon” This Week


Rosie Clarke

Content Editor

Okay so we started off with a sweet little montage about how all surgeons begin as super competitive science nerds and then… BAM

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Sharky and Yang totally did it.

Elsewhere, Arizona and Callie don’t seem too excited about Kepner’s bridal shower (which is apparently today – yay I love it when Grey’s does wedding prep… always hilarious… I hope they shove Christina in a bridesmaid’s dress again…). They also have an awkward run in with Murphy who greets them very professionally (having been coached to do so by Steph and Jo).

The big excitement among residents is Christina’s surgery on the baby today which displeases Meredith who’s all excited about her own surgery… To be fair though all she’ll actually be doing is “bothering a sheep” while Yang’s busy being a bad ass.

Webber is finally going home! All the surgeons on the floor cheer him out… Slightly odd (SLASH cheesy) but whatevs. He thanks Bailey for making him better, which feels forced after the way he treated her earlier in the season I must say, and this leaves Bailey pulling at her fingertips again. A brunette makes a snipey remark about this to Bailey – who is this random? Either a shrink or a snarky new coworker I’d wager.

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Sooooo April has three sisters and they are all super mean. Like, really freakin’ mean. They call her duckie as in an “ugly duckling” and assumed she’d die an old spinster. Poor April. They also say shit like “Oh Em Gosh” which is just plain punch-worthy.

Jackson bumps into them all at a coffee shop and one of her sisters lets slip that April named a pig after him at some point. Infinite LOLs.

Oh snap! Alex’s dad is back! He rocks up at the hospital looking mighty shaky, asking Jo if her offer of help still stands. She tells him it doesn’t and that he has to leave, at which point he starts seizing and collapses. Somebody get a gurney in here!

Back at the hospital, Jackson and April’s fiancé (I always forget his name… whoops) are about to have another awkward lil convo when a hippie gets dragged down the road by his tie. So obvs they leap to his rescue. Thank God for those cab hailing hippies, amirite?

This is where the Grey’s Anatomy title card flashes on screen… What is with the weird computer typing stuff that flashes up too? Anybody clued in on that yet? *confused*

The dude looks pretty dead but while Avery’s busy clearing the pathway, April’s BF saves the guy with a straw. Up your game, Avery.

Meanwhile, Christina walks in on Owen telling the baby’s family that there will be a live stream of the kid’s surgery happening. Christina is not happy about this and neither is the family. Bad form, Owen. Plus I’m already thinking that Meredith will probably find some way of using this whole media circus thing as another reason to be mad at Christina just to twist the knife in our hearts a little bit more. *sob*

It turns out that Shane gave Owen the go ahead – which seems weird cos he’s a resident… I mean isn’t there some rule about how that’s not allowed? Christina tells them she thinks live streaming is a terrible idea because something could go wrong in the surgery but Owen doesn’t seem worried (even though he totally should because didn’t one of his surgeons just get hit with a giant lawsuit that almost bankrupt the hospital? *cough* Callie *cough*). Yang reluctantly agrees to the live stream though, and Sharky looks way too smug about it for my liking.

Callie and Derek are continuing with their clinical trial thing… Their latest patient seems a little impatient. Callie makes lots of Callie-eye-glares. Derek says lots of McDreamy things.

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Owen forces Jo to admit Alex’s dad even though she wants to ship him off to a rehab facility. Come on Alex’s dad! I so want him to get clean! Eager for Alex to have a bigger arc…

Bailey rushes up to Owen to tell him she doesn’t need the creepy bird lady following her around anymore because she’s doing really well, but creepy bird lady reminds her that she’s pulling her fingers again. “Urgh, go away,” Bailey tells her rather ironically because it’s the same sentiment I have towards this storyline!

Bottom line is Bailey’s banned from the OR until creepy bird lady clears her for surgery and it doesn’t look like that’s about to happen any time soon.

April introduces her sisters to Arizona while giving them an impromptu tour of the hospital and one of them hilariously compares her to a three-legged cat. “She walks really well!” Oh Arizona… Bless you and your peg leg for its apparently endless comedic value.

Just then, Jackson and the fiancé stride in with the unconscious hippie… Jackson berates the fiance’s handiwork, complaining that his incision was all wrong. Silly paramedics and their straws. The fiancé asserts that he had to do it that way and when Jackson takes a closer look he’ll see why… Intrigue!

Jo tells Alex that his dad, Jimmy, is in the hospital. Alex is not happy about this and runs off to kick his dad out of the building but is stopped in his tracks by the phrase, “hey son”. #Feels

Eventually Jo convinces Alex to let him stay. Yay. Writers please don’t stuff this up.

Callie and Derek are worried that their patient might be ruining their trial with her negative thinking but feel they should stick with her anyway. Great plan.

April yells at Jackson when he jokingly calls her “Duckie”. We get it. You don’t want your ultimate crush calling you an ugly duckling. That ain’t cool.

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It’s OR time! Meredith and Steph are bothering their sheep in front of a lonely ol’ digital camera while Christina is being watched live across the globe as she operates on her tiny human. Shane brings in the conduit they printed on the super special printer and the games begin. Mer’s thing seems to travel along nicely, even with Steph fangirling in the background (LOL). Christina seems to be having trouble with the conduit though.

Murphy’s up in the balcony with a bunch of others to watch Christina’s surgery but can’t tear her eyes away from Callie and Arizona who get into a quibble over nothing. Christina orders everyone to stop filming as she’s concerned the conduit is about to fail.

Cut to a fair while later as Alex, Shane and Christina inform the baby’s parents that he’s come through the surgery despite complications and they hope the conduit will be a success. Alex seems doubtful though, and Christina is clearly concerned.

Jimmy’s struggling through his withdrawals and starts hallucinating. Jo watches him relive a memory of shouting at a young Alex for making a mess. Jo soothes him.

Shane and Meredith bump into each other in the elevator and Shane sarcastically applauds her for “winning” as her surgery was a complete success. Meredith reminds him he shouldn’t speak to her in that way because she’s his senior but he strides off. What a sassy biatch that Shane Ross is.

Arizona has another encounter with the three witches of eastwick, who are looking for April as it’s time for her bridal shower. Arizona tries to explain that surgeons are busy people and they may have to settle for a “pop” rather than a full sitting with April. The three witches shake their heads and glare. They are not amused.

Creepy bird lady has told Bailey that she can get cleared for surgery if she managed to complete five sutures without showing any displays of OCD behaviour. At first Bailey thinks this will be easy but it turns out after a full day she’s only managed to complete two. Creepy bird lady tells her that taking meds will make it easier for her to resist the compulsions but Bailey refuses, wanting to “fly solo” as it were. I’d like to know how grounded in reality this treatment plan is…

Creepy bird lady has to leave the room for a bit, photographing the messy trays of instruments so she can check to see if Bailey moves anything while she’s gone. Bailey struggles to resist moving the instruments, touching one of them as Webber bounds into the room wanting to get some practice in before he returns to work. Noticing the messy trays he comes over to tridy them. Oh dear, what will creepy bird lady say?

If they’re going to do OCD they should do it properly… creepy bird lady should be asking Bailey about her thought process and they should be deconstructing the compulsions that force her act out particular behaviours. Usually with OCD the sufferer is struck with a thought that something bad will happen to a loved one if they don’t do whatever it is they feel they must do. We haven’t seen any of that with Bailey yet, which might (partly) be why Chandra’s performance seems over the top.

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Callie and Derek try to get their patient to move the robotic hand using her mind/the sensors they inserted into her brain, but she can’t seem to do it and gets super frustrated. Callie thinks they should just remove the sensors and try someone else but Derek still has faith the lady can pull it out of the bag.

Steph panics as the sheep flatlines. Oh dear. (Y’all know Shane’s about to gloat.) Meredith seems optimistic though, because failure means they’re closer to success, or something.

Callie vents to Derek about how her whole life is a fight and Derek interrupts this scheduled programming with yet another epiphany.

Arizona gets the world’s worst pep talk from one of April’s sisters who tells her about how she stayed with her cheating husband and now needs a box of wine to get through the day. Bad times. Arizona does seem to be thinking she should’ve gone to couples therapy though… Yes Arizona! Go to therapy!

Bailey’s still finding her task impossible. Webber watches from afar as she sweats herself into oblivion trying to make a third stitch without giving in to her OCD. He suggests she come with him to steal food from Kepner’s bridal shower but she refuses to leave until she’s cleared herself from surgery.

Meredith and Christina have a scene together that goes down like a sack of potatoes. Meredith asks Christina if she thinks there’s something going on with Shane because he’s acting all “aggressive and mean” like he might be emulating her. Christina takes offense to this, “you just said I ruined a resident!” Meredith then takes offense to Christina retorting that a little edge is good for a surgeon and maybe Shane just didn’t like being perceived as “soft around the edges”. Yang ultimately storms off after getting a page, and runs to be by Shane’s side as he checks the baby’s SATs.

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Interesting that Christina obviously hasn’t told Meredith about her recent sexcapades with Shane (and why should she tell her… Mer’s been acting like a bitch). Clearly the days of best friendship between these two has come to an end. And right now it’s not bittersweet, it’s just plain bitter. I don’t like it. 

It turns out the baby is doing so well that he can come off the oscillator! Yay for edgy surgery! Also, yay for Sharky and Yang’s randomly complicated happy dance! Stay classy, Seattle.

I’m beginning to feel like the only way Shonda knows how to have main characters exit is to kill them off or turn them into outsiders and push them out.

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Jimmy’s hallucinating again, this time he thinks his wife has left Alex alone all night while she’s been lying on the bedroom floor. Jo tries to soothe him again but Jimmy pins her to the wardrobe and she hits her head. Frightened, Alex strides in and pulls a bewildered Jimmy away from her. Aw, poor Alex and his crazy, junkie parentals.

In other news, Derek’s epiphany pays off and he gets the grumpy lady to move the robotic hand by focussing on what she wants to say to her husband – which turns out to be “hold my hand” and she reaches the robot out to her. Everybody cries.

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At the bridal shower, Mer gives April a salad spinner and seems pretty embarrassed about it. None of them seem to know what a salad spinner does which seems kinda stupid to me cos it pretty much does what it says on the tin. It spins salad. I know that and I don’t even own one. 

The sisters of eastwick then present April with a very inappropriate gift for a hospital setting and April erupts into the greatest coming-of-age rant ever, also inappropriate for a hospital setting. This culminates in her sacking of the sisters as bridesmaids and the hiring of Arizona, Christina and Meredith who “are my people now, right?” It takes them a moment to respond but Christina’s “yeaaaah” is so amazing it brought me right back to the time she got coerced into getting her eyebrows waxed off. Grey’s wedding prep is the best!

Weirdly uncomfortable moment alert when Jackson and the fiancé encounter one another in the hallway outside the hippie’s hospital room. Jackson tells him he only told April he made the right cut to make her feel better but actually it was awful and Jackson has had to spend the whole day saving the guy’s throat. Oh dear. But then they smile at each other and seem to be friends. ??????

Fiancé tells Jackson he should come to the wedding after all because it would make April happy. Dude isn’t that a sign? Japril might just be on a come back…

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Back in the depressing world of Bailey, she’s still trying to make those sutures happen, even in the dark, to no avail. Webber confides in her that the reason he’s back at work so soon is that when he’s home alone he craves alcohol. Alcoholism is his disease and he urges her to accept that OCD is her disease. She seems to take this to heart and picks up her medication. I do hope the writers won’t just infer that she’s cured now that she’s on meds though, that’s not really how it works. Even though I’m super desperate for this crapolla storyline to end.

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Callie and Arizona are fighting again back in their apartment. Arizona claims that everything she says annoys Callie so Callie decides that maybe talking is the problem so they kiss instead. No Arizona! Go to therapy! There’s still something weird going on with you!

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Alex checks on his dad – he finds him hallucinating again quietly in his bed while Jo naps on a nearby chair. Alex listens to his mumbling and mimes the words, “Alex, Aaron get your asses in the car before I give you something to cry about.” Okay so this father-son reunion is not going to be easy.


A pretty solid episode with some long awaited humour thrown into the mix but I still don’t feel like we’re getting much character development from some of the ensemble. Too much introducing of the newbies and not enough exploring of the originals. I feel like the show is focussing on the wrong characters still.

See Y’all Next Week!

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