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A New Black and White Look For Apple?


Erica Wong-Den

Staff Writer

Apparently Apple’s new iOS 7 is going to be “black, white, and flat all over,” according to sources reporting on the new operating system’s look.

Apple Senior Vice President of Industrial Design Jony Ive has been diligently working on the new look and feel of the iOS (much to the chagrin of many, who feel that new features should be worked on instead). Heavy textures have been dropped from the phone and new black and white user interface elements have been implemented.

According to Ive, software designs filled with physical metaphors do not stand the test of time, hence his reimagining of the traditional skeuomorphic designs heralded by late Apple co-founder Steve Jobs.

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Instead of having mismatched Notes, Mail, Games and other lifelike imaginings on current Apple devices, the interface is being switched to a clean, seamless black design. Gone as well will be the iconic transparent slide-to-unlock bar in favor of said black design. Calendar will also be changing to a flat dark/grey black color instead of the current dark linen background design, and notifications may be able to be accessed more easily with improved gesturing.

New widgets are being tested as well to go alongside Apple’s current Stocks and Weather widgets. Home screen apps will be losing their familiar shine, and panorama wallpapers are being introduced like in Google’s Android OS.

In following the current theme, apps have been redesigned to reflect the “flat” look, losing most textures and shadows for a minimalist, clean feel.

More to be revealed on June 10th at the Apple Worldwide Developer’s Conference keynote address.

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